Search found 11 matches

by AshirogiMuto
Fri Sep 23, 2011 10:22 am
Forum: Video & Audio Help
Topic: [redacted] episodes
Replies: 2
Views: 975

Re: Fairy tail hd episodes

Oh I had no idea about the illegal downloads thing.Thanks for the info.
by AshirogiMuto
Fri Sep 23, 2011 10:13 am
Forum: Video & Audio Help
Topic: [redacted] episodes
Replies: 2
Views: 975

[redacted] episodes


[MOD16: Asking for footage downloads is against the Forum Rules]
by AshirogiMuto
Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:12 pm
Forum: Effects & Techniques
Topic: Text appear burning
Replies: 2
Views: 1355

Re: Text appear burning

I Use Gimp2 but are you talking about something like this? It's pretty much the same as photoshop. I'm sure you can add a flame effect to it. Thats sort of what i want but I would like a tutorial or if someone can write how to do the flame ...
by AshirogiMuto
Sun Sep 04, 2011 2:04 pm
Forum: Effects & Techniques
Topic: Text appear burning
Replies: 2
Views: 1355

Text appear burning

Hi.I am making an amv wright now and I think there's an effect that would be really nice for what I'm trying to achieve. This is the link - I would like to do something like the disappearing of the title 13-15 sec,but to make my text appear ...
by AshirogiMuto
Mon Aug 08, 2011 11:42 am
Forum: Movie Studio & Vegas Pro
Topic: Sony Vegas 8 rendering fail
Replies: 5
Views: 2564

Re: Sony Vegas 8 rendering fail

Thanks guys u really helped me understand the whole thing and hopefully the problem will be fixed in a few hours.Thanks a lot really.
by AshirogiMuto
Sun Aug 07, 2011 2:02 pm
Forum: Movie Studio & Vegas Pro
Topic: Sony Vegas 8 rendering fail
Replies: 5
Views: 2564

Re: Sony Vegas 8 rendering fail

Render the output file using Lagarith or Ut, then use another program like VirtualDub to create the finished file you want. Many programs seem to not like the WAV audio I get from Vegas, so I output 256k MP3. Uninstall/re-install codecs? Maybe there is a problem there. And the rendering presets I u...
by AshirogiMuto
Sun Aug 07, 2011 6:44 am
Forum: Movie Studio & Vegas Pro
Topic: Sony Vegas 8 rendering fail
Replies: 5
Views: 2564

Sony Vegas 8 rendering fail

Every time i try to render my clip in mpeg 2 or .wav or .avi format in HD 1280x720 or higher and start rendering somethimes the program closes sometimes it reaches 20% sometimes 50% and then the program again closes or a system message appears saying the file could not be created or that Sony Vegas ...
by AshirogiMuto
Sun Jun 19, 2011 3:01 pm
Forum: Effects & Techniques
Topic: Single colour effect
Replies: 3
Views: 1351

Re: Single colour effect

10x a lot u really helped me.
by AshirogiMuto
Sun Jun 19, 2011 3:56 am
Forum: Effects & Techniques
Topic: Single colour effect
Replies: 3
Views: 1351

Single colour effect

If anyone knows how to leave just a single colour in a scene and all else to be black and white so the colour stands out like just the blood being red and everything else black and white.Thank you in advance.
by AshirogiMuto
Sun Mar 20, 2011 7:28 am
Forum: General AMV
Topic: One Piece Amv Whitebeard War
Replies: 2
Views: 1015

Re: One Piece Amv Whitebeard War

Thanx for the advice I already found another song that I think suits my tastes and i think my AMV is developing pretty well so far i will tell you when I'm finished.

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