Search found 5 matches
- Mon Apr 12, 2021 8:36 pm
- Forum: General AMV
- Topic: Do you remember the first AMV you ever watched?
- Replies: 20
- Views: 7352
Re: Do you remember the first AMV you ever watched?
Aw man, I don't remember the very first one or how I got my paws on it or heard of the concept but I do remember staying up late to download AMVs and check if they were done on kazaa before I left for middle school in the morning. I remember loving the NGE Engel AMV, which I only recently learned wa...
- Mon Apr 12, 2021 7:51 pm
- Forum: AMV Announcements & Feedback
- Topic: Mirio / LEMILLION - A Real Hero AMV and editing concrit needed in general
- Replies: 1
- Views: 698
Mirio / LEMILLION - A Real Hero AMV and editing concrit needed in general
First time posting, I hope this is the right spot since I am asking for feedback on my recent AMVs, but also on my editing approach in general. Here is my most recent AMV, this one took me about 3 months off and on as I figured out the voiceovers, even though I have had this song in mind for him sin...
- Tue Apr 06, 2021 5:59 pm
- Forum: Site Help & Feedback
- Topic: Official: Name Change Requests
- Replies: 1894
- Views: 661150
Re: Official: Name Change Requests
Hi, can I please get my name changed to the green light? I made a youtube channel for my AMVs and would like to be more consistent
- Tue Aug 25, 2020 5:12 pm
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Welcome to the org, introduce yourself
- Replies: 883
- Views: 459911
Re: Welcome to the org, introduce yourself
hey, I joined last year but have been too shy to post on the forums. My YT account is Greenlight AMV and I have been trying to make AMVs since fall 2018. I'd really like to improve and connect with this editing community, is there a discord or something that is more active? Sorry if that's a presum...
- Wed Aug 12, 2020 4:10 pm
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Welcome to the org, introduce yourself
- Replies: 883
- Views: 459911
Re: Welcome to the org, introduce yourself
hey, I joined last year but have been too shy to post on the forums. My YT account is Greenlight AMV and I have been trying to make AMVs since fall 2018. I'd really like to improve and connect with this editing community, is there a discord or something that is more active? Sorry if that's a presump...