Nah, I tried that already, it didn't work =P Thanks alot guys. ~Josh again (By the way, as far as I know, Gunslinger Girl had not been domestically released, nor liscenced at the time I downloaded it, and I'm sure we'll all agree that Hong Kong pirate discs...
Ahoy, Just to clarify: you know all those people who you complain about not knowing the first thing about computers? Well that's pretty much me . . . not by choice, but hey . . . that's life. On to my question. I recently downloaded two XviD files, and, of course, being only sensible, I downloaded a...
uh . . . I've got the same problem as this guy . . . as now I've been here exactly 2 weeks, and i still cant download things . . . I've deleted my cookies . . . and i can't afford to donate -.-;;
hi uh . . . I was just wondering if the Cartoon Network, or the Anime Network airs in canada, anywhere, i know it doesn't here, all we get is YTV, and though it's adequate sometimes, it's not exactly a good dose of anime, so the question stands. I await an answer . . . from anyone . . . except that ...