Search found 11 matches

by Jysbena
Thu Oct 14, 2004 7:21 pm
Forum: AMV Contests
Topic: SEELE Council AMV Contest Extravaganza Winter 2004
Replies: 40
Views: 8063

ennh i guess your right. i'll go submit a few now, thanks for that confidence boost!
by Jysbena
Thu Oct 14, 2004 9:40 am
Forum: General Anime
Topic: what anime's are you watching right now?
Replies: 1428
Views: 202398

yes, i also live in canada. i use ytv for anime watching lol. so far what i watch is: 1. Inuyasha 2. Kenshin (i watch this from a site online, and i own the ovas!!) 3. Hellsing (finished watchign the series awhile ago) 4. Witch Hunter Robin (ytv just started showing it a few weeks ago so im now addi...
by Jysbena
Thu Oct 14, 2004 9:31 am
Forum: AMV Contests
Topic: SEELE Council AMV Contest Extravaganza Winter 2004
Replies: 40
Views: 8063

i wanna enter so badly but my current videos (in my opinion) suck assand i only have under a day to submit *sighs* i guess ill enter next contest
by Jysbena
Thu Sep 23, 2004 8:15 am
Forum: General AMV
Topic: thinking of doing a vegas guide. need help
Replies: 28
Views: 3542

I would like to see one. I use vegas for all my amv's now and i'm still learning how to use everything in it. I say go for it! I'll read it! Can't really give ya any ideas though, sowwie!
by Jysbena
Wed Aug 18, 2004 2:04 am
Forum: General AMV
Topic: i need a really good horror song for my new amv, please help
Replies: 13
Views: 3103

How about some Cradle of Filth? *ducks avoiding people hitting*

Their music has the creepy vibe to it and their songs are really poetic, only downside is the length, unless you like length, then its allll good :D
by Jysbena
Wed Aug 18, 2004 1:57 am
Forum: General AMV
Topic: A tip about banners
Replies: 45
Views: 4857

Yeah, my submission go rejected because apparently you couldnt read the words...ive seen way worse cross my path...way...way worse

by Jysbena
Wed Aug 18, 2004 1:33 am
Forum: General AMV
Topic: Whats going on. [What are you working on?]
Replies: 76
Views: 11348

I'm working on a few at the moment, well two really... 1) Another Inuyasha one, but its two parts. Slipknots Vermilion and Vermilion Pt.2. Kikyo and Inuyasha for part one, Kagome and inuyasha for part 2. Im aout half way into part one, still have a long ways to go... 2) My second Samurai X AMV. A sa...
by Jysbena
Thu Jun 03, 2004 7:46 pm
Forum: General AMV
Topic: Great Videos and Vid Makers That We all Miss Out On.
Replies: 45
Views: 8002

I know oh too well about that. My one video has 200 hits and no opinions. And since im sort of new to making amvs i really need suggestions on how to improve.
by Jysbena
Wed May 26, 2004 11:12 am
Forum: Site Help & Feedback
Topic: Login problems
Replies: 2
Views: 683

Login problems

My friend made a new account on this forum/ website on my computer. And because of that it will let me log in but not fully apparently. My login works but then it says i havent been with this site for two weeks which i have. And my profile states HER info including login name. I dont understand why ...
by Jysbena
Fri May 21, 2004 7:54 am
Forum: General AMV
Topic: Some songs, you wonder why they haven't been used in AMVs...
Replies: 24
Views: 2780

i've wanted to make an amv to a nirvana song but i just couldnt find something that i had enough ideas for.
I wonder if anyone made one to David bowie yet? lol im gonna go check now!

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