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by dbz_doomrider
Sat Oct 28, 2006 12:17 am
Forum: Multi-Editor Projects
Topic: Project D2
Replies: 85
Views: 23438

well no wonder they can't find a song most 10 mintue songs suck Yeah, thats why its a good thing we are looking for a song that is 10 minutes. I am well aware of the issue of songs which are 10 mintue. Gotta stay away from those~ Glad to see the interest is still here though. We'll keep the info co...
by dbz_doomrider
Thu Oct 26, 2006 11:40 pm
Forum: Multi-Editor Projects
Topic: Project D2
Replies: 85
Views: 23438

Hey Guys... Mike will most likely be posting in here soon, but just to clarify a couple of things.... 1) Sorry about the long wait, which seems to be characteristic of these projects of mine...but VegettoEX has been really busy and has been unable to help me out. As my techie I couldnt move without ...
by dbz_doomrider
Tue Jun 27, 2006 1:13 pm
Forum: Multi-Editor Projects
Topic: Project D2
Replies: 85
Views: 23438


I am glad to see that so many people are starting to take interest in D2, and so now, although I am still recruiting, I would like to hear some suggestions about a song choice if anybody has one currently. I'm on a search myself, but Im very very open to suggestions.

Ian (DBZ_Doomrider)
by dbz_doomrider
Thu Jun 22, 2006 10:49 am
Forum: Multi-Editor Projects
Topic: Project D2
Replies: 85
Views: 23438


Glad to see that theres at least a few people so far who are interested...keep it coming!! Don't be shy to contact me if you have any further questions as well ^_^

Ian (DBZ_Doomrider)
by dbz_doomrider
Wed Jun 21, 2006 2:12 am
Forum: Multi-Editor Projects
Topic: Project D2
Replies: 85
Views: 23438

Project D2

Hey to all, After some good solid thought, I have started to begin installing all the good old editing programs, and rehatching old memories and thought processes galore... I am finally proud to announce that I am going to begin recruitment for Project D2. As with Project DOOMRIDER, my first multi-e...
by dbz_doomrider
Mon Jun 19, 2006 1:34 pm
Forum: Multi-Editor Projects
Topic: Doomrider 2
Replies: 11
Views: 3068

Hey Could never know...if I come across some extra money, time, and will to work/a group of editors who are both skilled and willing to meet deadline dates for the proper -year-....D2 is a serious possibility. If it does, D2 will essentially focus on the movies of the DragonBall Z serie...
by dbz_doomrider
Tue Mar 21, 2006 11:04 pm
Forum: Recommended AMVs
Topic: Videos Using Dragonball/Z/GT
Replies: 54
Views: 101431

As my first post in virtually one year, finally back, the first thing I have to do is direct people to (what is in my mind) the best DBZ vid of all time.

Enjoy :)

Funniest dragonball videos of all time

for jokes The worse video of all time
by dbz_doomrider
Mon May 23, 2005 2:51 am
Forum: AMV Announcements & Feedback
Topic: I was hacked, shocking
Replies: 4
Views: 2286

AbsoluteDestiny I've very upset. Why didnt you finish the amv guide. You know damm well countless n00bs will convert there footage to .rmvb BSC of you!!! Look what your doing to the amv world.

by dbz_doomrider
Mon May 23, 2005 2:50 am
Forum: AMV Announcements & Feedback
Topic: Just Beat it.
Replies: 3
Views: 1595

Dont you love the dododododododododood

-I pwned Vegettoex
by dbz_doomrider
Mon May 23, 2005 2:44 am
Forum: AMV Announcements & Feedback
Topic: I was hacked, shocking
Replies: 4
Views: 2286

I'm not the 34 year old sitting at home. Dreaming about his bisexual orgy's. With Jerry seinfeld.

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