Search found 2 matches
- Thu Jun 03, 2010 6:20 pm
- Forum: AMV Announcements & Feedback
- Topic: [Fanime 2010 Comedy Finalist] Tenacious K
- Replies: 0
- Views: 432
[Fanime 2010 Comedy Finalist] Tenacious K
My entry at FanimeCon 2010, finalist in the Comedy category. The version shown at Fanime was censored, however this one is not, so standard coarse language warning goes here I suppose. First AMV I've made in about 8 years, although I only had 3 under my belt before this. Also, anyone know any cons t...
- Sun Jul 07, 2002 7:33 pm
- Forum: AMV Contests
- Topic: Anime Expo AMV Competition Results
- Replies: 197
- Views: 61135
This was a pretty bad contest... but ya gotta give them at least a little break, the AMV Contest was under new management this year, right? But at any rate, I'm actually happy they had problems... my video didn't get in, but a friend of mine's did(Jason Tennant's "Rose Rhythms")... and because of th...