Search found 21 matches

by MarlinBeta
Fri Jan 15, 2010 12:42 am
Forum: AMV Announcements & Feedback
Topic: こばと。Renai Circulation
Replies: 43
Views: 8578

Re: こばと。Renai Circulation

When is the full version of this song going to be released? Someone said Dec 23, 09 but I can't find it anywhere. lalala That's just a looped version that someone edited together. Does anyone else have info on the REAL full version of Renai Circulation?
by MarlinBeta
Thu Jan 14, 2010 7:18 pm
Forum: AMV Announcements & Feedback
Topic: こばと。Renai Circulation
Replies: 43
Views: 8578

Re: こばと。Renai Circulation

When is the full version of this song going to be released? Someone said Dec 23, 09 but I can't find it anywhere.
by MarlinBeta
Thu Jul 20, 2006 8:08 pm
Forum: Video Software Help Archive
Topic: The aspect ratio on my ripped footage is different
Replies: 12
Views: 2338

Yeah. I'm actually working with anime raws ripped from Japan TV, so I'm not sure if the original widescreen video is true 16:9, however I've been editing those "wide" anime clips in the 16:9 format and it all seems to be working fine. I've worked with video editing software before (mostly movie make...
by MarlinBeta
Thu Jul 20, 2006 7:19 pm
Forum: Video Software Help Archive
Topic: The aspect ratio on my ripped footage is different
Replies: 12
Views: 2338

I'm having a similar problem with an AMV I'm working on that was inspired by the AMV Hell series. Basically, I'm splicing together several different anime sources of 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratios into a single AMV, just like sasuke2468. However, I'm stuck using Windows Movie Maker because that's all I ...
by MarlinBeta
Mon Apr 24, 2006 10:48 pm
Forum: AMV Contests
Topic: AMV Hell Championship Edition
Replies: 1486
Views: 344846

i may be new to this but MarlinBeta GTFO or shut up I would like to take this moment to appologize. It was my viewpoint that the current situation was creating circumstances that the majority of people here disliked. I was hoping to be the voice for everyone, but apparently I read the crowd wrong. ...
by MarlinBeta
Mon Apr 24, 2006 8:41 pm
Forum: AMV Contests
Topic: AMV Hell Championship Edition
Replies: 1486
Views: 344846

That's why I believe intellectual property is the most valuable property in the world. You obviously didn't mind perverting the original intellectual property of the Short Shorts song :p A little something called "parody law." I use it on a daily basis (I have to because I'm a DJ). I suppose I can ...
by MarlinBeta
Mon Apr 24, 2006 1:55 pm
Forum: AMV Contests
Topic: AMV Hell Championship Edition
Replies: 1486
Views: 344846

Marlin Beta: No offense, but I must agree with deuceloosely - (imho) your part is not funny... And the fact you have to explain, what is the joke you were trying to create, only proves it. And while I am at it... I can't understand why some people make a big fuss over which entries should won, and ...
by MarlinBeta
Mon Apr 24, 2006 9:33 am
Forum: AMV Contests
Topic: AMV Hell Championship Edition
Replies: 1486
Views: 344846

By the by, here is the submission that I slaved over for five days: Not to be a hypocrite or anything, but what makes your entry any better than the winner's? wasn't funny, either. I mean, no matter how long you might have worked on a piece, ...
by MarlinBeta
Mon Apr 24, 2006 12:45 am
Forum: AMV Contests
Topic: AMV Hell Championship Edition
Replies: 1486
Views: 344846

Nice job Immortalarena! Yours completely blew mine out of the water, but it's not like I expected mine to do well anyway. Here's mine: Yes, yours was fairly well put together, and the only one with any decent lip-synching (which scored big points with m...
by MarlinBeta
Tue Apr 18, 2006 8:33 am
Forum: AMV Contests
Topic: AMV Hell Championship Edition
Replies: 1486
Views: 344846

and here I thought I would have won :? anyways, watch my entry here remember, it's yousendit, so only 24 more people will be able to watch. I did that together with my friend clemens amler in approximately 15 hours. there is a lot of subtle humour in it, so I guess that's the reason why we lost. oh...

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