Search found 35 matches

by Hotta_Bushi
Fri Dec 05, 2003 11:24 pm
Forum: General Anime
Topic: Getting the family into anime
Replies: 108
Views: 17825

Hmmm.... My mom's most recent boyfriends had bigger collections then I did and even introduced me to Slayers (this was about 3 years ago). So I never converted had my mom. Anyway, she's half Japanese so it's not like she doesn't understand it or anything and she enjoys a lot of different veraitity. ...
by Hotta_Bushi
Wed Dec 03, 2003 4:54 pm
Forum: General Anime
Topic: Real Bout High School.... Worth it?
Replies: 6
Views: 861

Arigato Ryuu. I finally get a good answer. I just found somebody that owns it and I think I'm going to watch it first.
by Hotta_Bushi
Tue Dec 02, 2003 12:45 am
Forum: General Anime
Topic: Real Bout High School.... Worth it?
Replies: 6
Views: 861

Not part of the job description. I'm kinda stuck here for 2 years at least. Besides, It's cheaper to fly to Japan then it is to the States.

But I'm planning on moving up to Sacramento or Bay Area once I get back anyway.
by Hotta_Bushi
Tue Dec 02, 2003 12:38 am
Forum: General Anime
Topic: Real Bout High School.... Worth it?
Replies: 6
Views: 861

Considering where I live and selection, $70 isn't all that bad. And also since most boxed sets are around $100 or more, I think it's a fairly good deal. But then again, 13 episodes on 4 or 5 discs? Man, Transformers spoiled me with 6 eps per disc. BTW I live in Guam. Things here are little more expe...
by Hotta_Bushi
Tue Dec 02, 2003 12:29 am
Forum: General Anime
Topic: Real Bout High School.... Worth it?
Replies: 6
Views: 861

Real Bout High School.... Worth it?

Ok, since I can get RBHS complete boxed set for about $70, I have to ask, is it worth it? What other anime are similar? For the record, I have enjoyed Ranma 1/2, The Guyver, I bought NGE one disc at a time upon it's release, Slayers 1 (and OVA), first 3 Lost Universe discs, Cowboy Beebop movie, and ...
by Hotta_Bushi
Tue Nov 18, 2003 1:33 am
Forum: General Anime
Topic: If you wanted to create an anime....what would it be about?
Replies: 71
Views: 8612

This is the setup for the next BESM game I run (Big Eyes, Small Mouth. Anime Roleplaying... look it up). Nan-Knights. Every shot you've had ever since you were a kid, weather a flu shot or a vaccine, was a dose of nanites, usually taylored to fight whatever it was designed too. Sometimes the nanites...
by Hotta_Bushi
Mon Nov 17, 2003 4:19 pm
Forum: General Anime
Topic: Do sequels really suck?
Replies: 21
Views: 1814

Do sequels really suck?

Ok, I finally found a way to purchase Bible Black on DVD but I saw that there's also a sequel, how does it match up with the original? I haven't seen the first one mind you (not the entire thing, just bits and pieces. No, not those pieces.), but I've heard that it actually has an interesting story a...
by Hotta_Bushi
Sun Nov 09, 2003 2:28 am
Forum: General Anime
Topic: Weird Screencaps...
Replies: 2123
Views: 293105

Does that apply to saying "Want this anime? Go to this site..."

Or can I get banned for saying to use your local, un-friendly P2P service?
by Hotta_Bushi
Sun Nov 09, 2003 2:26 am
Forum: General Anime
Topic: Strongest emotional anime?
Replies: 73
Views: 8766

The final episodes of Slayers Next.
Gourry does all that, people die, and then the world is somehow saved...

But then NO ONE REMEMBERS A DAMN THING!!! Except for the last half of the final episode, that whole battle damn near brought me to tears.
by Hotta_Bushi
Sun Nov 09, 2003 1:11 am
Forum: General Off Topic
Topic: Matrix Revolutions
Replies: 125
Views: 11453

Ok, even though I haven't seen the movie yet, I'm still reading the spoilers. (Fore-warned is... something.) Anyway, how is that new MMORPG game suppose to work with the current ending? Espically since it stats the the Brothers wrote the base story and that it takes place AFTER the trilogy. (This is...

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