Search found 28 matches

by shiftdown
Fri Jan 27, 2012 1:21 am
Forum: General AMV
Topic: Epic females
Replies: 12
Views: 2959

Re: Epic females

Elle Lagu(atleast I think that's her name from Shadow Skill
by shiftdown
Thu Jan 26, 2012 11:53 pm
Forum: General AMV
Topic: Let's Falling! Looking for scenes
Replies: 13
Views: 2923

Re: Let's Falling! Looking for scenes

skim to 2:36. Not sure if that kind of thing is what you're look for but I believe it's one of the last couple episodes of Welcome to the N.H.K.
by shiftdown
Thu Jan 26, 2012 5:30 pm
Forum: Works in Progress
Topic: WIP - High School of the Dead - 1:1
Replies: 0
Views: 609

WIP - High School of the Dead - 1:1

Alright, I've been out of the game of making AMV's for a good while now and this is my first real attempt at getting back into it. I've had the idea of using High School of the Dead with one of the songs off the Zombie EP by Devil Wears Prada since I knew about the two. Only problem is I'm rather ba...
by shiftdown
Thu Jan 26, 2012 8:12 am
Forum: General AMV
Topic: Song for ecchi/comedy AMV ?
Replies: 6
Views: 2387

Re: Song for ecchi/comedy AMV ?

Took me a minute to find it but this might suit your needs ... ata_player
by shiftdown
Wed Jan 25, 2012 5:11 am
Forum: General AMV
Topic: Any suggested animes to this song?
Replies: 9
Views: 2101

Re: Any suggested animes to this song?

Nothing that specific really comes to mind but I'll let you know of the two that did pop into my head. Whether or not they'll work is up to you. 1) Grave of the Fireflies. It's been a good while since I've seen it and I don't really remember there being too many happy flashbacks or scenes in general...
by shiftdown
Mon Jun 22, 2009 9:14 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: looking for a new band
Replies: 58
Views: 12092

Re: looking for a new band

I'd recommend checking out last .fm and pandora .com since both will give you recommendations based on the music that you listen to.(Pandora is a bit easier since you just type in the name of a band and it will build a music playlist based off similar artists)
by shiftdown
Thu Oct 04, 2007 3:23 am
Forum: General AMV
Topic: Haruhi AMV Idea
Replies: 3
Views: 1829

Haruhi AMV Idea

Well, I had never really planned to give this idea out to anyone but since my computer died on me(motherboard and processor decided to both fail on me) and I don't see it being fixed anytime soon I've decided to share it. So if someone feels like taking it on I'd be glad to watch it when it's done X...
by shiftdown
Fri Sep 28, 2007 3:19 am
Forum: General AMV
Topic: Do this kind of anime exist?
Replies: 15
Views: 4334

by shiftdown
Fri Jul 13, 2007 6:37 pm
Forum: AMV Contests
Topic: Anime Banzai AMV Contest 2007
Replies: 61
Views: 19605

yay for banzai XD hopefully my video i submit this year will do better then the one i sent in last year T . T hoping to get this 2nd one done so i can have two submissions but i doubt it will happen ><
by shiftdown
Thu Jun 21, 2007 12:31 am
Forum: AMV Announcements & Feedback
Topic: Kenshin's Atonement
Replies: 4
Views: 1093

I hate to criticize a video made "in loving memory," but since I bothered to download and watch it... For a first video this would have been pretty good, but I was expecting more from a third.. Quality: Pretty bad. Blocky, grainy, black borders on the edges, Editing: Lots of long scenes. Let me cla...

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