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by vincentcloud
Sun Jul 29, 2012 9:43 pm
Forum: General AMV
Topic: How to win AMV contests and alienate people
Replies: 50
Views: 8615

Re: How to win AMV contests and alienate people

I agree that there hasnt been a problem with ponies and the con should share some blame but if I see a big con like Otakon with win by using ponies it becomes a trend and then starts to cheapen amv contests as a whole.
by vincentcloud
Sun Jul 29, 2012 9:14 pm
Forum: General AMV
Topic: How to win AMV contests and alienate people
Replies: 50
Views: 8615

Re: How to win AMV contests and alienate people

I am long time AMV watcher and went to otakon and kinda agree with meatwad. I myself and a brony(not one of those obsessed fanboys) and thought the video was good but it wasnt really anime. I mean yes it had death note but the content seemed to be 50/50. Its called an AMV which stands for ANIME MUSI...

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