Search found 5 matches
- Sun Aug 25, 2002 5:59 am
- Forum: General Anime
- Topic: Anime Babe/Hunk Face off - FINAL ROUND
- Replies: 22
- Views: 4430
The Babes Pair1 Ryoko (I love both characters so it was a hard decision. But the fact that Ryoko could woop Fayes butt in a fight, id have to go w/ Ryoko) Pair2 Urd (she's cuter, and not a slut) Pair3 Utena (she doesnt need any robot suit to kickass, she has real fighting skills. Plus the robot loo...
- Wed Jul 10, 2002 3:33 pm
- Forum: AMV Contests
- Topic: Anime Expo AMV Competition Results
- Replies: 197
- Views: 62710
That was exactly how i felt about the lip syncing too. I beg to differ w/ the astounding editing part. The morphing effect was neat and all and was the only thing that was notable to me. But im sure most of us could have done it if we thought of using all her transformation sequences. The rest of th...
- Tue Jul 09, 2002 2:57 am
- Forum: AMV Contests
- Topic: Anime Expo AMV Competition Results
- Replies: 197
- Views: 62710
I got EVA ep 27 from TommyRude's cd and now I really want that controlling affictions.... *Notices that MonkeyGOD doesn't have it up for download* :( Eh, ya sorry bout that, my ftp is down. I got Cyberwings webhosting *hangs head down in shame*. Otherwise it would be up by now. I'm glad someone lik...
- Sun Jul 07, 2002 5:00 am
- Forum: AMV Contests
- Topic: Anime Expo AMV Competition Results
- Replies: 197
- Views: 62710
I didnt care about winning, until i found out the winning video actually gets played like 3 times if you count the showing at the masquarade. woulda been cool to see my video w/ a big size audience like the masquarade. Mine's "Controlling Affliction", the LinkinPark/Akira one. Everyone is right abou...
- Tue Jul 02, 2002 5:36 pm
- Forum: AMV Contests
- Topic: AX2002 AMV Finalists
- Replies: 64
- Views: 31701
Well, my Akira vid managed to make the finals even though it was a Linkinpark one(Controlling Afflictions). Maybe one of the judges is a Linkinpark fan, or maybe my video is actually pretty good. I'd like to the think the latter. Im up against 2 Vlad vids in the Action category, so that pretty much ...