Search found 3 matches

by Xianphenous
Sat Dec 10, 2005 12:58 pm
Forum: General Anime
Topic: "Name that Anime Quote"
Replies: 4320
Views: 556720


Kitsuner wrote:Nope, neither of those.

First Quote: "He's a prince?"

Second Quote: "It's a shame; it's really kinda cute."
Fruits basket?

by Xianphenous
Sun Dec 04, 2005 4:21 pm
Forum: General Anime
Topic: "Name that Anime Quote"
Replies: 4320
Views: 556720


Kitsuner wrote:Nope.

Hint: Every quote I post this time around will all be from the same series, and were spoken by the same character.
Is it an anime by rumiko takahashi?
by Xianphenous
Sat Dec 03, 2005 9:15 pm
Forum: General Anime
Topic: "Name that Anime Quote"
Replies: 4320
Views: 556720

"name that anime quote"

Okay, Well I'm a huge of this anime and I hope that you won't have too much trouble with figuring it out.

"You're cute, on you it would be so pretty"


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