Search found 4 matches

by protonicdinosaurdrummer
Fri May 23, 2003 3:53 pm
Forum: AMV Announcements & Feedback
Topic: Lain - Wired Hypnosis
Replies: 63
Views: 7799

Well, Drummer (Protonic Dinosaur Drummer) isn't officially part of our studio yet. I mean, he will be, but first he's required to finish reading Remembrance of Things Past by Proust. And he needs to study some Beat poetry, too. We're pretty serious about our creative process. I believe he's almost ...
by protonicdinosaurdrummer
Wed May 14, 2003 1:01 pm
Forum: AMV Announcements & Feedback
Topic: Wolf's Rain - City of the Rain Dogs
Replies: 3
Views: 1308

Everyone seems to be gushing over Turco's video, and ignoring Taylor's great video.


Seriously, it's worth a watch, especially if your a fan of the character Philip Marlowe.

and if you don't dig Marlowe...damn.
by protonicdinosaurdrummer
Wed May 14, 2003 12:57 pm
Forum: AMV Announcements & Feedback
Topic: New Vid Online - Hell Maid May
Replies: 27
Views: 3612

Kusoyaro wrote:Protonic Dinosaur Drummer? Another one? How many of you are there??

Do your names mean anything? Aside from all having the word Dinosaur in them, that is.... :?
As of now, there are 4.

Yes, our names do mean something...but there is a fine art in keeping a secret.
by protonicdinosaurdrummer
Mon May 12, 2003 11:43 am
Forum: AMV Announcements & Feedback
Topic: New Vid Online - Hell Maid May
Replies: 27
Views: 3612

[MOD266: Modded for personal attack] Totally wondering what you said here paizuri :). Thanks Taylor. Good work on your new vid, too. I think Dinosaur Studios is going to take off soon. Wow a whole studio? I hope it "takes off" soon and works out. Good Luck! BTW your video freaked me out to no end :...

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