Search found 5 matches

by Invirulent
Thu Oct 11, 2012 8:48 am
Forum: General AMV
Topic: How has the AMV landscape changed?
Replies: 81
Views: 19173

Re: How has the AMV landscape changed?

Amv's are art. At least to me. Were i to shoot a video tomorrow of my life, of things i do daily, things i will do in my future, things i have done, and put that video on a social media outlet, it would be because i wanted the world to see it. It would be because i wanted everyone to know what it wa...
by Invirulent
Thu Oct 11, 2012 7:31 am
Forum: General AMV
Topic: Help me with an amv?
Replies: 11
Views: 4096

Re: Help me with an amv?

So far, i really like the look of K-on! and Angel beats. I'm looking for that smoother, refined style of drawing. I'm gonna be mixing a lot of anime characters into my comeback vid, so it doesn't particularly have to be one anime.
by Invirulent
Thu Oct 11, 2012 6:25 am
Forum: General AMV
Topic: Help me with an amv?
Replies: 11
Views: 4096

Re: Help me with an amv?

Thanks, guys, keep em coming! i'm collecting. :D
by Invirulent
Wed Oct 10, 2012 9:58 pm
Forum: General AMV
Topic: Help me with an amv?
Replies: 11
Views: 4096

Help me with an amv?

I need clips from animes, any animes will do, where characters are playing musical instruments. I would like specifically pianos, guitars, drums, and horn instruments. Anyone know of any? I will take nearly anything.
by Invirulent
Tue Dec 04, 2007 6:23 pm
Forum: AMV Announcements & Feedback
Topic: Ladies and Gentlemen
Replies: 1
Views: 624

Ladies and Gentlemen

ok apparently i cant post links, so this is all pretty worthless. i'll try and see if i cant upload the vid here or something.

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