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by adferraro
Wed Jan 01, 2014 8:21 pm
Forum: AMV Contests
Topic: Anime Boston 2014 Music Video Contest Now Open!
Replies: 14
Views: 3147

Anime Boston 2014 Music Video Contest Now Open!

Hi Everyone,

The Anime Boston 2014 Music Video Contest is now open and accepting submissions. The rules and submission link can be found here:

The deadline is February 1st, 2014.

Thanks and Good Luck!
by adferraro
Tue Oct 01, 2013 9:01 pm
Forum: AMV Contests
Topic: Bakuretsucon 2013 Music Video Contest Deadline coming up!
Replies: 14
Views: 4041

Re: Bakuretsucon 2013 Music Video Contest Deadline coming up

I pinged Adam this morning about it - he's having the people that maintain the website and upload software take a look at it. The server is up, I'm not sure what the problem is. I did have Andy create some ftp accounts so if you are having trouble uploading your files, email me at adam@adamferraro....
by adferraro
Wed Sep 11, 2013 10:26 pm
Forum: AMV Contests
Topic: Bakuretsucon 2013 Music Video Contest Deadline coming up!
Replies: 14
Views: 4041

Bakuretsucon 2013 Music Video Contest Deadline coming up!

Hi All,

Just a reminder that entries for Bakuretsucon close on October 1st! Looking forward to those videos!

by adferraro
Mon Apr 01, 2013 11:00 pm
Forum: AMV Contests
Topic: Anime Boston 2013 - Finalists/Winners on Page 3
Replies: 44
Views: 11671

Re: Anime Boston 2013 Music Video Contest

Hi Everyone, Just wanted to post a reminder here that there is only a little over a week left to get those videos in. Next Friday April 12th is the deadline, and it can't be extended any longer than that. I know there are are still a lot of great videos out there and I am looking forward to them! Th...
by adferraro
Thu Mar 14, 2013 9:56 pm
Forum: AMV Contests
Topic: Anime Boston 2013 - Finalists/Winners on Page 3
Replies: 44
Views: 11671

Re: Anime Boston 2013 Music Video Contest Deadline extended!

Gave you my action submission... HAMV in progress. Please support this awesome contest Adam puts on a good show. Thankee Kindly. I have an important announcement for everyone. Since the rules were posted late, I have extended the deadline to be April 12th at midnight. Hopefully with the extra coupl...
by adferraro
Thu Feb 28, 2013 10:28 pm
Forum: AMV Contests
Topic: Anime Boston 2013 - Finalists/Winners on Page 3
Replies: 44
Views: 11671

Anime Boston 2013 - Finalists/Winners on Page 3

Hi Everyone!

It's that time of year once again! The Anime Boston Music Video Contest (And Hentai AMV Contest) are now open and accepting submissions.

Rules are up and can be found here:

Looking forward to your Vids!

by adferraro
Tue Sep 11, 2012 11:09 pm
Forum: AMV Contests
Topic: Bakuretsucon 2012 Music Video Contest
Replies: 13
Views: 5784

Bakuretsucon 2012 Music Video Contest

Hi Everyone,

Time seems to have gotten away from me, Bakuretsucon is close at hand, and we need your entries! This is Baku's 11th year running an AMV contest and we need your help. The rules page can be found here:

Please send us your entries! Baku thanks you!

by adferraro
Fri Mar 02, 2012 6:36 pm
Forum: AMV Contests
Topic: Anime Boston 2012 Music Video Contest (2 Week Warning!)
Replies: 97
Views: 23464

Re: Anime Boston 2012 Music Video Contest (2 Week Warning!)

If you are uncertain whether your video completely uploaded, you can email me and I will check and let you know. I do have a workaround in place if need be. The webmaster is still working on resolving the issue, but it is sporadic, and that is making things a little tough to pin it down. Thanks, Ada...
by adferraro
Wed Feb 29, 2012 4:45 pm
Forum: AMV Contests
Topic: Anime Boston 2012 Music Video Contest (2 Week Warning!)
Replies: 97
Views: 23464

Re: Anime Boston 2012 Music Video Contest (2 Week Warning!)

Thanks for your response, Adam - luckily, l33tmeatwad has been kind enough to offer his help, and we've been able to get the videos lookin' good in the right format and size. However, one of my videos which I'm submitting is an AMV hell style video, and I'm having some difficulty with the submissio...
by adferraro
Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:22 pm
Forum: AMV Contests
Topic: Anime Boston 2012 Music Video Contest (2 Week Warning!)
Replies: 97
Views: 23464

Re: Anime Boston 2012 Music Video Contest (Deadline Extensio

Hi All, I just wanted to let everyone know that after careful consideration, the entry deadline for the Anime Boston 2012 Music Video Contest has been extended to March 10, 2012. Please make sure your entries are in by that time, as there will only be one week between the deadline and the prescreeni...

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