First off I want to thank everyone who participated. While it wasn't the easiest year ever and we had our ups and downs, I still had a fun time and I greatly appreciate everyone that stuck through until the very end. And of course, a big thanks to the judges who judged at total of 87 brand new videos this year!
And now for the results...6 editors and only 1 first place winner...

First place goes to.........
With Kaeldri in an incredibly close 2nd and Millua in 3rd!
tsuuchii wins $70, Kaeldri takes home $20 and Millua $10.
Eazy followed up in 4th, SVproductions in 5th, and finally Xophilarus in 6th.
Here are the Final Judging Comments.
And a secret award goes to...
"Accidentally In Lust" by xSnowflakes!
Yes, there was a secret Yue award. xSnowflakes is required to take pictures once it shows up >>
Ileia told me to add this part...

Won the super secret Ileia award! You are also required to take pictures and post when you receive it.
Congratulations again to all of our entrants! I'll be getting in contact with the winners via Org PM about their prizes.