So, about a month ago, my computer crashed hard and I had to have to completely reassembled. Since then, I've gotten almost everything back together, but I'm having a problem. The video for .avi files, while the audio will run just fine, won't play when I open them. Also, when I go to open them in my video editing software, once again, the audio is fine, but the video does not show up.
I remember that this is a problem with not having an .avi codec, and that I need to go download one (I had this same problem several years ago). However, last time, I was able to find a good .avi codec without any difficulty. This time, nothing seems to be working. No matter what I download, the .avi video still doesn't play. Can someone give me a hand with this?
Can't find a good .avi codec. Some help, please?
- anime_angel_ash
- Joined: Sat Jan 10, 2004 1:04 pm
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Can't find a good .avi codec. Some help, please?
"If RikkuxAuron fans are to be believed and Rikku really does like older, dead men, I'm quite shocked that she and Seymour didn't get along better."
- JaddziaDax
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- anime_angel_ash
- Joined: Sat Jan 10, 2004 1:04 pm
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