Me and this quality issue

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Me and this quality issue

Post by Shambu2 » Wed Mar 11, 2009 2:32 pm

Apparently for every video I put on this site, people mention how the quality is bad. Now I watch it on my computer and it looks fine, not sure what's going on. I render my videos on Vegas with best rendering quality and usually just upload as is. I've looked for these "guides" but couldn't find them.
Could I maybe get some advice on how to have better quality videos?

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Re: Me and this quality issue

Post by Kariudo » Wed Mar 11, 2009 2:53 pm

Read <a href=>ErMaC & AbsoluteDestiny's Friendly AMV Guides</a>

It's one of the guides (probably what most people are referring to)
It's long, and a bit technical, but it has good information

Here's the short list on getting good quality:
-Use DVDs/Blu-rays (if at all possible, it's also part of the site's code of ethics)
-Learn how to use Avisynth
-Make some room, and use lossless codecs to save the clips that you make/use.
lossless codecs make big files, but retain all of the quality

after watching your newest video, the quality looks fine...but really really small


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