Is there only Anime Music Vidoes?

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Is there only Anime Music Vidoes?

Post by King_Cold » Fri Jan 31, 2003 11:18 pm

I was wondering if there is only anime music videos, or if people do some with movies or series, or anything else.


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Post by VegettoEX » Fri Jan 31, 2003 11:32 pm

There are music videos in every area of fandom; in fact, a few people from the AMV community have done other types of videos at one point or another.

Vlad P.'s done a "Star Trek" video, Joe C's done a "Matrix" video, Scott M.'s done a "Mr. Magoo" video... list goes on and on.

If you look in any other area of fandom, I'm sure you'll finc other examples. I know some "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" music videos exist (I can't vouch for any quality, though; they all seem to be about Buffy and Spike and use Billy Idol songs).
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Vlad G Pohnert
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Post by Vlad G Pohnert » Sat Feb 01, 2003 1:41 am

VegettoEX wrote:There are music videos in every area of fandom; in fact, a few people from the AMV community have done other types of videos at one point or another.

Vlad P.'s done a "Star Trek" video, Joe C's done a "Matrix" video, Scott M.'s done a "Mr. Magoo" video... list goes on and on.

If you look in any other area of fandom, I'm sure you'll finc other examples. I know some "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" music videos exist (I can't vouch for any quality, though; they all seem to be about Buffy and Spike and use Billy Idol songs).
Yep, Actuaually, I've done way more science Fiction videos then Anime! This includes Star Trek, Star Wars, Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica, etc... I've even done a costume contests at a con as a music video... I've even one a Star Trek Music Video contest although contests outside of Anime are very rare....


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Post by The Wired Knight » Sat Feb 01, 2003 1:45 am

Videos for everything, even american cartoons. I've done one for Hamlet and also Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead as well as one with a medly of movies that is about literature...learn something with the hobby...

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Bushido Philosopher
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Post by Bushido Philosopher » Sat Feb 01, 2003 4:06 am

Well I have no idea why you would want to even look for anything else here....hence the name.

There are some other than anime music videos but I've found that many of them are pretty average to bad.
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Post by froggy04 » Sat Feb 01, 2003 7:01 am

There's a popular community for wrestling music videos if you look hard enough.

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Post by King_Cold » Sun Feb 02, 2003 4:02 am

Thanx for the replyes, I was just wondering...
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Post by Spectre General » Mon Feb 03, 2003 3:35 am

The Wired Knight wrote:Videos for everything, even american cartoons. I've done one for Hamlet and also Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead as well as one with a medly of movies that is about literature...learn something with the hobby...
I'd like to see a music video of Julias Ceaser set to a rap... Wait, did William Shatner do a rapped version of Juilus Ceaser? I think so He spoke half was normally. Anyways, There are music videos to just about everything.

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A movie music vid

Post by Sheridan » Wed Feb 12, 2003 12:10 am

:wink: Theres a kewl James Bond : Goldeneye music video on Kazaa.

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the Black Monarch
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Post by the Black Monarch » Sat Feb 15, 2003 12:50 pm

I just ripped A.I., and I plan to re-master the music video that I made with it. I also intend to make at least one Alien Legacy music video.

I've seen one video with Farscape, two with Star Trek, one with Harry Potter, two with The Matrix, etc. etc...
Ask me about my secret stash of videos that can't be found anywhere anymore.


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