Dvd ripping.

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Dvd ripping.

Post by ~Shikamaru~ » Fri Dec 29, 2006 5:43 pm

This may be a newb Question but i downloaded
dvd decrypter and when i try to rip a dvd
they just give me the episodes in files i can't use.
so is there any possible way to change the files?
or if you could just give me a rundown on how to
use dvd decrypter it would be very helpful.
oh and does the dvd come out in great quality?

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Spin Me Round
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Post by CodeZTM » Fri Dec 29, 2006 5:50 pm

While this question is vauge, I think I smell what you're cooking. You need to use DGIndex to turn the .vob files into .d2v files, which you can then use in an Avisynth Script, in order to enhance the quality of the footage. You can't just import the .vob files into your editor.


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