im sure im going to get yelled at for this but:

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Re: im sure im going to get yelled at for this but:

Post by Zarxrax » Wed Sep 15, 2010 7:41 pm

Mpeg2source is for loading a .d2v file. I don't even know if it can actually function without specifying one. If you are getting errors, that is probably the reason why.
Also, deblock(quant=25) is rather strong, and is probably killing the quality.
And wtf is DeRainbow(10)??? The only function that I know of named "DeRainbow" does not take any parameter.

Where are you getting this stuff from?

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Re: im sure im going to get yelled at for this but:

Post by Zarxrax » Wed Sep 15, 2010 7:43 pm

Zarxrax wrote:And wtf is DeRainbow(10)??? The only function that I know of named "DeRainbow" does not take any parameter.
What I said here was stupidity. Ignore that comment.

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Re: im sure im going to get yelled at for this but:

Post by Mister Hatt » Thu Sep 16, 2010 1:02 am

That's why there is no detail and it's getting blocky due to a bad AQ choice for such flat footage.

At least use something current

>x.264 svn
I don't know where that superfluous dot came from Kariudo but there is no x264 svn. It uses GIT.

@AlexanderVonCross: chances are you're either using a terrible source, or are overfiltering it to hell and hence the quantizer is having a field day. I would assume both. With deen, cpu=6, deblock, derainbow, and finally undot, you have effectively removed ALL detail, both noise and otherwise, from your footage, and that is why x264 is going all RAEPRAEPRAEP on your video.

As far as the grain goes, why are you removing it? Grain is GOOD FOR YOU. It keeps the details in the video. If you get rid of it, you lose texture. You should only be removing grain when it is excessive (Phantom or Mouryou no Hakko or maybe Nausicaa are the only sources that come to mind for this), otherwise leave it alone. I think a lot of amvers have trouble distinguishing grain from noise. It's easy. Grain is uniform while noise tends to vary in colour and size. You just need to ease off on your filtering. See how a plain dgdecode_mpeg2source("my.d2v") and fft3dfilter(sigma=1.5) goes to start with. It's all about removing defects while preserving the rest. x264 actually does better on textured video than it does on flat stuff unless you throw a crapload of bitrate or use a smarter AQ on it.

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Re: im sure im going to get yelled at for this but:

Post by Kariudo » Thu Sep 16, 2010 2:20 am

Mister Hatt wrote:I don't know where that superfluous dot came from Kariudo
Bad habit I guess.
Mister Hatt wrote:but there is no x264 svn. It uses GIT.
/updates post to reflect that

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Re: im sure im going to get yelled at for this but:

Post by Mister Hatt » Thu Sep 16, 2010 10:28 am

Baw, I was hoping for an argument like "then why does it use r1800 or whatever for syntax? That's an SVN revision number and GIT uses hashes you retard!" but you let me down D:

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Re: im sure im going to get yelled at for this but:

Post by AlexanderVonCross » Fri Sep 17, 2010 12:30 pm

all i really wanted to do was keep good quality with a smaller file size, and i have failed.
I have been told I have issues, I just say, no I have volumes...ususally they just shake their heads and walk away.

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Re: im sure im going to get yelled at for this but:

Post by AlexanderVonCross » Fri Sep 17, 2010 12:36 pm

Zarx it was on the fourm guide It was Improving Visial Quality and Compressibility but i may have been from an older guide. And im sure this will sound lame, but thank you for commenting on my post. Can you tell me what scripts work with your program? I am new to trying to use Vdubmod so i really have no idea what the hell i am doing. all of this is being done on my complete AMV, and like i said, i just wanted to fix the quality and hopefully the file size.
I have been told I have issues, I just say, no I have volumes...ususally they just shake their heads and walk away.

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Re: im sure im going to get yelled at for this but:

Post by AlexanderVonCross » Fri Sep 17, 2010 12:38 pm

Zarxrax srry i misspelled it.
I have been told I have issues, I just say, no I have volumes...ususally they just shake their heads and walk away.

Mister Hatt
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Re: im sure im going to get yelled at for this but:

Post by Mister Hatt » Sat Sep 18, 2010 4:54 am

>Good quality
(☞゚∀゚)☞ O U

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Re: im sure im going to get yelled at for this but:

Post by AlexanderVonCross » Sat Sep 18, 2010 12:06 pm

I have been told I have issues, I just say, no I have volumes...ususally they just shake their heads and walk away.


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