Beta tapes

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Re: Whoa...

Post by Knowname » Wed Jan 22, 2003 5:11 pm

CaTaClYsM wrote:THe response I was looking for was either a "Yes, I have and use a beta machine"
"No I do not have or use a beta machine, and any advice on whether or not I should get one was totaly non debatable.

And yes, DVD is better, And anything I want on DVD I will buy, but for things I see on TV I want that I cannot get on DVD I will need to record, which is why I am getting the beta.
but then again there is the whole recording things onto DVD wich is doable. btw, how much would the setup for a DVD RW cost?
And you were looking for this responce for one of two reasons:
1>you wanted to have something in common with the rest of us (commonly assumed)
2>your evil :twisted:

anyway enough of this psychobabble 'i know you better than you know yourself crap' I don't use Beta and see no sence in getting pulled into a dieing (dead) technology. if I want more lines or whatever I'll do it on computer.

Also I don't think you mentioned any shows you'd be interested in taping (ooh time to break out the reality tv hoax!) so you don't need a DVD-R or RW just a $100 DVD set. A capture card is $20 if you NEED to tape something, keep it on HD, ftp (share it over kazaa is the best way to archive -_-) CDRs aint expensive $50 drive (70 combo), 90 cents media. I wouldn't get a RW till they come out with their shitty standard, better (Beta), worse I don't care.

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Post by CaTaClYsM » Wed Jan 22, 2003 6:23 pm

I DID list the shows I would be recording. I already have a CD RW drive, but my HD is only 37 gigs. I dont even think I would have enough space to get an entire show onto my hard drive. and to get beta quality video I would need to use one CD a show, and in the event that I would buy DVD sets of the shows, then the CD's I burned them onto would be wasted, but with the beta, I can record over them with another show.
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Post by Dannywilson » Wed Jan 22, 2003 7:05 pm

And now a recap for those that don't want to sit through 5 pages of mind numbing bullshit!
CaTaClYsM wrote:OMFG!!! Beta Rulz!!!!11one
The Rest Of The Forum wrote:Dumbass.
"in the morning when i have wood..i like to walk around my house and bump random shit with it.... " -Random comment on

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Post by CaTaClYsM » Wed Jan 22, 2003 7:58 pm

actually it went more like this
CaTaClYsM wrote: Beta is better than VHS.
The Rest of you retard wrote: buy a VHS even though it's crappier and it'll all be obsolite in 6 years!
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Post by klinky » Wed Jan 22, 2003 8:06 pm

Buy a VHS because technically it's not crappier and it's much cheaper and convient.

Did you actually expect people here, WHO ARE SANE AND DON'T GO FRITTERING THEIR MONEY AWAY ON another VCR just so they can video tape THE WEST wing in 100lines more then what they currently own, of which they probably won't notice. Also the fact that Beta tapes are about %30 more exspensive and hold about %30 less and HARDER COME BY.

It's just, if you already own a VHS there is no point in running out to get a Beta deck just to record TV shows with. It's just fucking stupid.


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Post by CaTaClYsM » Wed Jan 22, 2003 8:08 pm

klinky wrote:Buy a VHS because technically it's not crappier and it's much cheaper and convient.

Did you actually expect people here, WHO ARE SANE AND DON'T GO FRITTERING THEIR MONEY AWAY ON another VCR just so they can video tape THE WEST wing in 100lines more then what they currently own, of which they probably won't notice. Also the fact that Beta tapes are about %30 more exspensive and hold about %30 less and HARDER COME BY.

It's just, if you already own a VHS there is no point in running out to get a Beta deck just to record TV shows with. It's just fucking stupid.

Here's the thing, do you own a DVD player?
So in other words, one part of the community is waging war on another part of the community because they take their community seriously enough to want to do so. Then they tell the powerless side to get over the loss cause it's just an online community. I'm glad people make so much sense." -- Tab

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Post by klinky » Wed Jan 22, 2003 8:10 pm

I have a DVD-Drive in my computer :O

but no set top DVD player :|

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Post by CaTaClYsM » Wed Jan 22, 2003 8:15 pm

because if you do then that would be illogical since by your starndrads VHS is GOOD ENOUGH. And getting a VHS player to record my shows off TV means I am losing almost half the resolution in the process. Oh, and while were buys sticking to numbers kinky, beta tapes, like VHS has variable speeds, and even in their highest speeds betas hold and hour and thirty rather than two hours, and in their slowest recording speed hold 5 hours and VHS it is 6, so what is this garbage your spouting about %30 more money and %30 less recording time, and if you had bothered to read my posts, you would know that I CAN GET THESE THINGS AT MY LOCAL FRYS ELECTRONICS. so what is this junk abuot htem being hard to come by? all in all you are wrong, go someplace else, maybe you can convice ErMac to start using lazerdisks as an alternative for source footage, seeing as how you probably think they are 'good enough'.
So in other words, one part of the community is waging war on another part of the community because they take their community seriously enough to want to do so. Then they tell the powerless side to get over the loss cause it's just an online community. I'm glad people make so much sense." -- Tab

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Post by klinky » Wed Jan 22, 2003 8:44 pm



Okay I was wrong, beta stores %25 less & costs 40% more. Whoops sorry :roll:

Laserdisc went the way of the Betmax as well. I wouldn't reccomend it to anyone.

VHS was good enough for AMV creators for over a decade and a half.

If there is something better out there, then get it. I have a DVD drive because I can get high quality anime DVDs. Not to record TV shows off a TV. You can't get new anime or movies on Betamax, all you'll be doing is sitting alone in your living room recording your shows onto your old and funky obsolete betamax. Spending more money, just so when guests come over and you force them to watch your betamax tapes you can point to the screen and go "LOOK LOOK LOOKY AT TEH 100 MORE LINES OF RESOLUTION".



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All for Beta and beta for all!

Post by melezov » Wed Jan 22, 2003 8:49 pm

I don't have a single fact that would either support or trash Beta, since I've never seen the thing in my entire life, but I've decided to join CaTaClYsM in his quest to "Defend Beta and Quote the Entire Universe".

Ekhm. What to say. Ah, yes.

Beta is really something. I wish I had the money to purchase one.
VHS sux. Hmmm.. VHS sux because it has.. less.. umm lines.. and..


And I >RECALL< that I once wanted to tape something on a VHS but I couldn't find a free tape! HOW'S THAT??!? EXPLAIN THAT!!


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