And you were looking for this responce for one of two reasons:CaTaClYsM wrote:THe response I was looking for was either a "Yes, I have and use a beta machine"
"No I do not have or use a beta machine, and any advice on whether or not I should get one was totaly non debatable.
And yes, DVD is better, And anything I want on DVD I will buy, but for things I see on TV I want that I cannot get on DVD I will need to record, which is why I am getting the beta.
but then again there is the whole recording things onto DVD wich is doable. btw, how much would the setup for a DVD RW cost?
1>you wanted to have something in common with the rest of us (commonly assumed)
2>your evil
anyway enough of this psychobabble 'i know you better than you know yourself crap' I don't use Beta and see no sence in getting pulled into a dieing (dead) technology. if I want more lines or whatever I'll do it on computer.
Also I don't think you mentioned any shows you'd be interested in taping (ooh time to break out the reality tv hoax!) so you don't need a DVD-R or RW just a $100 DVD set. A capture card is $20 if you NEED to tape something, keep it on HD, ftp (share it over kazaa is the best way to archive -_-) CDRs aint expensive $50 drive (70 combo), 90 cents media. I wouldn't get a RW till they come out with their shitty standard, better (Beta), worse I don't care.