virtual dub mod & MKV files - issue?

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virtual dub mod & MKV files - issue?

Post by Wished » Wed Jun 23, 2010 3:17 am

vdubmod used to be able to run my MKV files, but for some reason, now it won't open ANY of it.

One of the problems is:
An out-of-bounds memory access (access violation) occurred in module 'VirtualDubMod'.

The other is:
VirtualDub requires a Video for Windows (VFW) compatible codec to decompress video. DirectShow codecs, such as those used by Windows Media Player, are not suitable. Only 'Direct stream copy' is available for this video.

I have avisynth & ffdshow installed. Ahh, is there something else I need?
Or is there a better program?

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Re: virtual dub mod & MKV files - issue?

Post by mirkosp » Wed Jun 23, 2010 3:45 am

First thing first: use the plain virtualdub and not virtualdubmod:
As for the rest, you can only import vfw MKVs directly into virtualdub (and those are rare, and a bad idea to begin with). Like it says, you can't really load files that use codecs that aren't compatible with the Video for Windows multimedia framework. What you should do is use ffms2. Take the "ffms2-mt-r312.7z," unpack it, and put the .dll, the .avsi, and the .exe in your avisynth's plugins folder.
Once you've done that, make an avs script with a line like this:

Code: Select all

ffvideosource("your file.mkv")
and import that .avs into virtualdub. It will take a while and might look like it froze, but leave it its time, because it is making an index file. You will in fact notice that once it's done you'll have a .ffindex file. Don't delete it, as it is needed for faster and most importantly frame accurate seeking. If you'll ever need to open that file through ffvideosource again, you won't have to reindex because the index file is already there, too.

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Re: virtual dub mod & MKV files - issue?

Post by Wished » Wed Jun 23, 2010 9:31 pm

Thanks for the help!
But just to clarify - so for each time I'd want to use a diff .mkv file, Id have to change the 'your name' part to the file's name?

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Re: virtual dub mod & MKV files - issue?

Post by mirkosp » Thu Jun 24, 2010 6:21 am

Yup, but it's quick enough to do. :P


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