time lapse clouds background

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time lapse clouds background

Post by Guld_Bowman_02 » Sat Sep 03, 2005 10:56 am

I've seen them in a few vids and MADS (can't remember any in particular right now), but basically, it looks like an anime version of time lapsed clouds. A literal description would be like someone took a video camera, pointed it at the sky, and recorded the cloud movements for say 5 hours or so, and played it back at maybe 4x or 8x the real time speed. Or maybe I could create it in after effects using some type of script and a "blue sky" background?... any help would be greatly appreciated!! :D

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Re: time lapse clouds background

Post by Zarxrax » Sat Sep 03, 2005 12:33 pm

Guld_Bowman_02 wrote:A literal description would be like someone took a video camera, pointed it at the sky, and recorded the cloud movements for say 5 hours or so, and played it back at maybe 4x or 8x the real time speed.
Well that would obviously be the best solution. But if you need to fake it, there are some plugins for After Effects that can create skys.
One such plugin is Aurora Sky.
Another is Tinderbox 1. This one is a collection of plugins (msot of which are absolutely useless because AE can already do most of the same stuff these days), and its sky plugin isn't as good as the aurora sky plugin, but its still capable.

Barring the use of any plugins, you could simulate a sorta crappy looking sky using some of After Effects built in filters, like Fractal Noise.

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Post by Hitori » Sat Sep 03, 2005 12:36 pm

This guy has some pretty good AE tutorials:

This should help you out with the clouds part. All you have to do for the time lapse is key the color and the lens flare to your liking. Hope this helps.

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Post by Guld_Bowman_02 » Sat Sep 03, 2005 2:37 pm

Thanks for the links, guys!! I didn't have time to go too in depth, but from what I've seen from both sites (Digital Anarchy and Ayato), this is more than enough to get me started. It would be nice (faster) to just buy something pre-rendered, but that would take away the fun of creating and manipulating your own stuff :D. One example of a vid that used the time lapsed clouds was Aluminun Studio's "Silence" vid (which I liked very much).
Thanks Again for the quick response!!


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