music from cd on mac

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music from cd on mac

Post by KenshinsongX » Fri Mar 31, 2006 9:06 pm

I recently switched from PC to Mac and am unsure what program I should be using to rip my audio and then if there's anything else I should know thats different from PC. If anyone else uses a Mac and could tell me what to do that'd be great. Thanks! (I'm going to be using Final Cut Pro to edit, I don't know if that matters).

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Post by milatchi » Sun Apr 02, 2006 10:37 pm

You can use iTunes.
Open iTunes and go to Preferences>Advanced>Importing>Import Using:
and set it to AIFF instead of AAC. AIFF and WAV work best with FCP. FCP doesen't handle compressed audio that well, I.E. AAC, MP3, and for you final product you would just be compressing it again degrading the audio quality further.

iTunes import as AIF or WAV. Then import into FCP.
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