"O Fortuna" Excalibur Techno Mix

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"O Fortuna" Excalibur Techno Mix

Post by Protosschick99 » Sun May 14, 2006 12:44 am

Alright ya'llz here's my first question!! :D

Where the heck can I get this song?? I've looked EVERYWHERE for this song and I can't find it >.<

It is the F.C.B. Excalibur Techno Mix in case you're wondering. And I just can't find it by itself so that I can use it for a movie I wanna do--If ya'llz can help me out--That would be REALLY cool :D

Thanks! :)

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Post by Kariudo » Sun May 14, 2006 1:23 am

well if you know the artist/band name you can probably go to thier website and find what cd album it's on.

if you're looking for downloads, you won't get many suggestions, as it is against the forum rules to ask for such things

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Post by maciko » Sun May 21, 2006 6:33 pm

O- How small the world is getting… The track you’re looking for is by a group called FCB, technically this originated in Italy, but was later sent to Australia for remixing.
Colossal Records assigned a job in 1995 to a guy called “Nick Skitz” a local DJ. I was working with nick at the time. Basically I did half the remix and Nick did the other half.
We used sample CD’s to put the thing together, I believe the main CD was called “Samples and Scratches”, if you get a hold of that you could basically put together your own version of the track. Anyways drop me an e-mail I’ll send you an MPG of it if you like. If I can help you with other technical aspect of that track just ask…


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