[HELP] VDM + FourCC Errors

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[HELP] VDM + FourCC Errors

Post by Kira_Douji » Wed Jan 14, 2009 2:18 pm

I've uninstalled and reinstalled CCCP, the AMVapp3beta, Premiere Pro, and everything else I can think of that might be causing these issues, but they simply won't go away! I'm going crazy and can't edit anything, so PLEASE take a look over my system and errors... any input would be greatly appreciated! :cry:

Neither the ZarxGUI nor VDM can read OMG.avs, both throw the error:

Code: Select all

AVISource couldn't locate a decompressor for fourcc
(C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\OMG.avs, line2)
The only things written in this file are:

Code: Select all

Also, any time I try to open a file in VDM through the AVISynth template for DirectShow, VDM crashes and has to be force quit.

System Info:

Code: Select all

System Information
Operating System: 	Windows Vista™ Ultimate (6.0, Build 6001) Service Pack 1 (6001.vistasp1_gdr.080917-1612)
Processor: 	Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     E8400  @ 3.00GHz (2 CPUs), ~4.1GHz
DirectX Version: 	DirectX 10
Physical RAM: 8189MB
Virtual Memory: 2047MB

Video Information
Video Card: 	NVIDIA NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260
Video Memory: 	2927 MB
Chip Type: 	GeForce GTX 260
Driver Filename: 	nvd3dumx.dll,nvd3dum,nvwgf2umx.dll,nvwgf2um
Driver Version: 	7.15.0011.8048 | 11/12/2008 14:54:00
Disp Settings: 	Generic PnP Monitor | 1920 x 1200 (32 bit) (60Hz)

Audio Information
Audio Device: 	Speakers (Bose USB Audio)
Driver Name: 	USBAUDIO.sys
Driver Version: 	6.00.6001.18000 | 1/20/2008 21:46:12
Default Sound Playback: true
Default Voice Playback: true
If any more information is needed to help with this, just ask, please! I made a whole AMV in Vista x64 before, and I never had this problem! And just like last time all I have installed are everything in the AMVapp3beta, plus CCCP and Preimiere Pro CS3. Do I have conflicts somewhere? Missing dlls? Registry errors? Does using CCleaner mess things up? Nvidia's newest drivers? Certain antivirus programs?

I'm at my wits' end. Halp. Please. T_T

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Re: [HELP] VDM + FourCC Errors

Post by Zarxrax » Wed Jan 14, 2009 2:37 pm

What codec is it? AviSource requires a video for windows codec to be installed for whatever kind of video you are trying to open.

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Re: [HELP] VDM + FourCC Errors

Post by Kira_Douji » Wed Jan 14, 2009 2:48 pm

When I put the avi straight into VDM it reads:

"Couldn't locate decompressor for format 'dvsd' (unknown).
VirtualDub requires a Video for Windows compatible codec to decompress video. DirectShow codecs, such as those used by Windows Media Player, are not suitable."

I'm assuming the 'dvsd' is the codec name? I'm mainly confused because I've never had this issue before when all I have installed is AMVapp3beta and CCCP. They comprise all the codecs I've ever used. And I made that OMG.avi file on my computer, so shouldn't the codec already exist there?? -_-

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Re: [HELP] VDM + FourCC Errors

Post by Zarxrax » Wed Jan 14, 2009 3:03 pm

Thats a DV codec. They are weird and tend to be problematic, at least in my experience. What did you make it with? I'd recommend not using that codec in the future.

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Re: [HELP] VDM + FourCC Errors

Post by Kira_Douji » Wed Jan 14, 2009 3:16 pm

GraphEdit. I've been having nonstop issues since installing the AMVappbeta which is very strange because I never have before and, like I said, I've edited on Vista x64 just fine before. But basically, I originally had a .mov file given to me from a friend, and I ripped it out of that format with GraphEdit, making a lossless copy to mess around with. At this point I've had to reconvert it so many different times to make it first readable enough to get it into VDM and apply filters, then just to watch it... I don't even remember what codec I threw on it.


Apparently I somehow don't have the avsplugin for mpegsource. Tried looking around for it and came up with one that turns my mpeg into green distorted nonsense. Can't find anything for the aviSource plugin anywhere, so that still fails and it's still crashing on DirectShowSource.

Wahoo. -_-

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Re: [HELP] VDM + FourCC Errors

Post by Kira_Douji » Wed Jan 14, 2009 3:35 pm

Went through and installed every filter/plugin from the old amvapps plugins folder and it seems capable of reading avi's again. >>;

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Re: [HELP] VDM + FourCC Errors

Post by Qyot27 » Wed Jan 14, 2009 3:43 pm

AVISource isn't a plugin, it's an internal filter. MPEG2Source would be the realm of DGMPGDec (i.e. DGIndex & DGDecode.dll), here.

Concerning the MOV file, use YAMB or simply MP4Box to get the video format info (you could also use MKVMerge GUI to see this), and use that to determine the proper course of action. mp4info is another option as well.

Generally speaking, MOV files should be usable through FFmpegSource (that's 1.21, not the 2.0 beta), or if you've got Haali's Splitter and ffdshow installed and set up correctly, DirectShowSource. ffdshow does have an entry for DVSD, so the VFW/AVISource method could ostensibly work, although I have no clue if DV Type-1 or Type-2 formats factor into this. Do make sure that the version of ffdshow you have installed does indeed have the VFW interface.

Also, which version of AviSynth are you using? 2.5.8 was just released about two weeks ago.
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Re: [HELP] VDM + FourCC Errors

Post by Kira_Douji » Wed Jan 14, 2009 5:04 pm

About the .mov: I used graph edit to convert to Lagarith, then used an avisynth script to filter it and was able to get it converted into x264 w/ mp4 container successfully.

Regarding AVISynth: Didn't know that was the newest version, will have to download!

CCCP had a version of Haali's Media Splitter in it and installed it when I installed the package. Regarding that: I'm trying to avoid conflicts and codec issues as much as possible; there appears to be a VFW end to the FFDshow filters that it comes with, is there a certain way I need to configure it?

@ MPEG2Source: I have DGIndex installed; are d2v files the only files it can open? Trying to open an .mpg with this results in an error. Conversely, using the avisynth template MPEGSource(nic) - I went out and downloaded the most recent version I could find - imports the footage but with green along the bottom and rolling, streaking noise along the top. What do I need to be able to use mpg/mpegs with aviSynth files?

Thanks for all your help!

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Re: [HELP] VDM + FourCC Errors

Post by Qyot27 » Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:31 pm

Kira_Douji wrote:CCCP had a version of Haali's Media Splitter in it and installed it when I installed the package. Regarding that: I'm trying to avoid conflicts and codec issues as much as possible; there appears to be a VFW end to the FFDshow filters that it comes with, is there a certain way I need to configure it?
In the VFW configuration dialog, the list of codecs will have 'disabled' or 'libavcodec' next to them (some might also have the name of an alternate, such as 'Xvid' or 'AviSynth'). Just click on that title if it says 'disabled' and pick 'libavcodec' instead. You can do so for whichever codecs you need. Personally, I let ffdshow handle most of the things in there, but perhaps most importantly DV, HuffYUV, and MJPEG (the last two the VFW is also capable of encoding).

The VFW configuration might also actually say 'video encoder configuration' instead.

Setting up the VFW will only work if you plan on using AVISource. To use DirectShowSource you have to use the regular 'video decoder configuration' dialog. FFmpegSource, on the other hand, requires no configuring of ffdshow or other codecs because it handles all its decoding internally - which is primarily the reason I suggested it. It has one glaring downside, being that the non-beta version has no VFR compensation - if you need that, it's better to use DirectShowSource with the convertfps=true option (I can't recommend the 2.0 beta versions of FFmpegSource because there were usage regressions and some other issues I can't fully recall and until those get resolved, it's best to stick to 1.21).
@ MPEG2Source: I have DGIndex installed; are d2v files the only files it can open? Trying to open an .mpg with this results in an error. Conversely, using the avisynth template MPEGSource(nic) - I went out and downloaded the most recent version I could find - imports the footage but with green along the bottom and rolling, streaking noise along the top. What do I need to be able to use mpg/mpegs with aviSynth files?[/color]
Open the MPEG files with DGIndex and save the d2v, then use MPEG2Source to access the d2v. DGIndex does have a template option which can autogenerate AviSynth scripts to your choosing if you so desire. The info about doing that is in DGIndex's documentation.
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Re: [HELP] VDM + FourCC Errors

Post by Qyot27 » Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:38 pm

Qyot27 wrote:DV, HuffYUV, and MJPEG (the last two the VFW is also capable of encoding
Yeesh. That's not to say it can't also encode DV, but honestly I don't see the point of that. The HuffYUV encoder can utilize both YV12-mode HuffYUV and the adaptive huffman tables. Both of those options make such video files incompatible with the original HuffYUV, but they provide a massive benefit.

The MJPEG thing is notable because it means people don't have to spend money on proprietary solutions like get commonly suggested. With ffdshow able to do it, using a for-pay solution is a waste of money - especially since ffdshow's MJPEG encoder outputs pretty good quality (I've never rigorously tested it, though).
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