Converting from Divx

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Converting from Divx

Post by Ishiaru » Sun Jun 29, 2008 3:34 pm


I'm really stoopid with computers and I'm wondering how you convert Divx to Huffyuv or preferably Lagarith using virtualdub...
I'm asking because I stumbled along this
"Once you have the file loaded through AVISynth, you can either load it directly into your editing program (if it supports AVISynth scripts), or you can load it into VirtualDub where you can encode it into another codec such as Huffyuv or Lagarith"

How do you load it directly into my editing program(vegas 7.0) or change the codec?

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Post by BasharOfTheAges » Sun Jun 29, 2008 8:13 pm

Read <a href=>ErMaC & AbsoluteDestiny's Friendly AMV Guides</a>.
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