Jace Tsunami wrote:if you list things and number them they'll go about something like this:
first, second, third, and so on.
I'm impressed, you can count.
Jace Tsunami wrote:If you hadn't made your first comment at all, then there wouldn't have been a need to say second.
And you can reason. Wow, will wonders never cease?
Jace Tsunami wrote:I didn't say you made a mistake,
Right. *I* said *you* did.
Jace Tsunami wrote:I said it would have sounded just fine if you dropped the second and the first statement altogether.
Why drop either statement when you were incorrect on both counts and the second point was especially valid?
Jace Tsunami wrote:Like I have been saying, rude and stupid. What's even dumber is you're still at it.
What you haven't seemed to figure out yet is that I'm enjoying your inanity.

And you do realize that the person you're calling stupid was the one who said the correct things?
Jace Tsunami wrote:So, you're saying that one blatant mistake is okay, but the other is not? that just makes no sense.
You're trying to put words in my mouth, I won't let you, I've never said anyhting along those lines, and if you can't understand what I'm saying, because I believe this is the second time I've had to explain myself now, then you've got a problem.
Jace Tsunami wrote:I was refering to adobe premiere, ... [to] go as far to correct me in the way you did was ... stupid.
you could have simply said exactly what you said afterwards ... and I would have never had a problem at all.
'Nuff said.