by Qyot27 » Fri Jan 12, 2007 3:06 am
Of course, if you have the capability to playback MPEG-2 (and don't really care to go through the process of converting to AVI for editing - which, by the way, it could be suggested to use HuffYUV, Lagarith, or YV12-mode HuffYUV as the compressor for AVI to save space but still be lossless), it is possible to simply compress the valid .wav file as AC3 using ffmpeg - to avoid the problems I keep hearing about concerning encoding AC3 with BeSweet - and then use TMPGEnc's muxer to take the .m2v and .ac3 and join them into a normal .mpg file. If you don't have a way of decoding AC3, ffmpeg can also encode MP2, which should play back fine with the Windows default decoder.
Unless of course converting it was to correct the speed issues I remember sometimes cropping up with the FMVs (can't remember if it was with FFX or X-2 that I noticed that problem).