man, get rid of that shiteating attitude. U know jack-didley-muthafucking-squat about video editing. "wheres 'premiere' at" geez, man. dont insult klinky just because he (she? i dunno if that person is m or f) told you what to do and you didnt understand. A 'love of anime that would bond all members as one'? what are you, fuckin stoned? you asked about DVD ripping, not AMV creation. whats the site name? NO. its And as for us 'jacking off' to our computers-do you have a sex life? have you even had sex? go piss in your shoe.whosafixx wrote:dude why have you gotta be such a dick. i just asked for help, sorry i haven't wasted my life on a computer jacking off, instead of having real life interactions with actual people. i came here thinking a love of anime would bond all members as one, i guess i was worng about you. thinks for disgracing the name of anime. next time try not to be such a dick.
to Brolli411 and RadicalEd0 thanks for your willingness to help, i deeply appreciate the information you have shared
klinky, i salute you.