Effects Help & Rubber bands

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Effects Help & Rubber bands

Post by allyunion » Tue Aug 05, 2003 1:42 am

Rubber bands: Do they only work for footage that is not in the Video 1 area? [For Premiere 6]

Is there any quick way to edit footage in such way to remove a character's background without going frame by frame, or does it all have to be done manually?

When a picture still edited in Photoshop, does the DPI matter?

Lastly, if I wanted to use like a character's face and move it around, are there any suggestions for me to do this without heavy editing? [I.e. like have the face bouncing around the screen]
- Subquestion: Would it be able to be done in After Effects easily?

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Post by danielwang » Tue Aug 05, 2003 2:02 am

The Video 1 area is a layer just like any other one. Are you doing something like Transparency, and where? Sounds strange though.

See this post:
http://www.animemusicvideos.org/phpBB/v ... highlight=
It's exceptionally hard to do - I tried to do a Mac "Switch" spoof advert - on hold now becuase of current AMV.

What do you mean? Of course it does, but it depends... if you are dropping the image sequence into Premiere or AE, then you should keep it consistent throughout the scene and to the other footage.

See answer to section 2. Fairly difficult, but with the right tools ala Difference keys, it can be done.
<a href="http://www.animetheory.com/" title="AnimeTheory" class="gensmall">AnimeTheory.</a>
<a href="http://www.animemusicvideos.org/search/ ... %20park%22" title="Seach videos NOT by danielwang" class="gen">Make sure you don't download videos that suck!</a>

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Post by AznRAVEr1022 » Tue Aug 05, 2003 2:13 am

BTW, i don't know if anyone else had this problem, but i did and its really dumb. but in order to see the rubber bands work or any other effect for that matter, you must select preview first. you cannot simply press the play button.

This took me about 2 weeks to figure out.

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Post by klinky » Tue Aug 05, 2003 4:53 am

1) No, Video1A & Video1B are transition tracks and you can only use transitions on them. I don't use them at all now since I only use the rubberbands. the Video1 tracks don't support an Alpha Channel(transperancy)

2) There is no easy way to do this. The best way is the do it frame-by-frame. There may be some "tricks" such as using a difference matte. If you have a scene that doesn't have the character in it. Then you use that as a matte. What will happen is it will keep anything different from the scene without the character. So your character would be obviously different from the background and would be removed. Ack, sorta complex sounding. And that doesn't always work. Best bet is to do frame-by-frame.

3) DPI doesn't matter if you set the measurement to pixels. Anything else and that's how it converts the other measurements into pixels. DPI = Pixels Per Inch.

4) You can erase the what you want of the character in Photoshop. Export as a PSD. Import into Premiere, stick it on track2. Transperancy needs to be set to Alpha Channel. Then find the "Transform" effect and apply that. You can adust the position of the image that way. You can use keyframes to animate teh sequence. That will only work for a still frame/image.

Say if their head doesn't move but their lips do and you want them to lipsynch. That may take some more work. I would setup the lipsynching first. Them make a matte. You can set this up as a "Track Matte". You place the Track Matte above the actual clip and then you can set the actual clips Transperancy to Track Matte. You can then copy any effects you place on the actual clip onto the matte as well. So that if you have transforms and keyframes, the matte will move along with it and it won't look stupid. You can copy filters/settins from one clip to another by right clicking on the clip and choosing copy, then left clicking on the destination clip and choosing "Paste Attributes". You'll want to choose "settings" from the window and hit OK.

":O if you have more questions you can AIM me or post here...

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Post by allyunion » Fri Aug 08, 2003 3:21 am

Thanks kinky and danielwang. Maybe someone should compile a guide for special effects....


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