Virtual Dub Mod Help

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Virtual Dub Mod Help

Post by Isenfolme » Thu May 18, 2006 5:18 am

This may be an incredibly newb question, but please bear with me.

I've been trying to work out how to mask excessive lip flap for a while, using VDubMod's "logo" feature (thanks, Ari!), but it's very trial and error, and I'm wondering if there's another way.

Would it be possible to snapshot a sequence frame by frame in VDubMod, import the .tgas into Paintshop Pro, alter them by hand in there, and then somehow bring the .tgas back into VDubMod and put them back together into an avi sequence in a stop-motion-photography style? I'm a bit worried about aspect ratios, as I'm not sure if this would mess up pixel size and so on, plus I don't know if VDubMod will let me stick a series of snapshot frames together to make an .avi. Anyone know? Can I do this?

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Post by gangstaj8 » Thu May 18, 2006 5:45 am

Are you using VDubMod to actually edit your video? Cuase you've pretty much got the right idea of what to do, but you should be doing it in your editing program instead of VDM.

To answer your question though, yes, you can export images from a video using VDM, (File - Save Image Sequence). I believe it saves as .BMP, not sure if you can change that, but you should be able to do the same thing with any NLE. Also, I'm not sure if you can import a series of images into VDM and turn it into a video sequence. You probably can, but I'd almost bet it's more trouble than it's worth. However, that's exactly the process you should be doing with your editor. At least, that's what works for me. Good luck.
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Post by Willen » Thu May 18, 2006 5:45 am

It is possible, but messy and complicated. To output your sequence, go to File and select Save image sequence... To import it back, you need to use AviSynth and the ImageSource filter.

It would be easier to use masks to accomplish this, unless your editor doesn't support multiple video tracks (WMM)?
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Post by Willen » Thu May 18, 2006 5:47 am

Er, and to add, it may be easier to just load the images directly into your editing software, unless again, it doesn't support that kind of frame precision (WMM).
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Post by Isenfolme » Thu May 18, 2006 5:52 am

You got it bang on, I'm afraid Willen. I am indeed constrained by the limitations of wmm2. Joy of joys.

So how would I go about getting my series of snapshot frames back into VDM and stuck together in sequence? Cos at the moment I just have a number of images sat there. I'm not sure how to use VDM to stick them together to then convert to avi, to then import to wmm. *g*

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Post by Keeper of Hellfire » Thu May 18, 2006 6:26 am

Willen wrote:To import it back, you need to use AviSynth and the ImageSource filter.
No, you don't. In VDub/Mod "Open video file", select as file type "image sequence", select the first image, et voila.... Then you can save it a Huffy (or whatever) again. Of course, this works only if you have saved it like Willen suggested and you have a sequence of images with the same name and an ascending number at the end.

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Post by Willen » Thu May 18, 2006 6:31 am

I forgot how to do it within VDubMod. I'm so stuck on using AviSynth now.
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