Vegas Masking Help

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Vegas Masking Help

Post by v_joshi123 » Fri Sep 29, 2006 2:34 pm

Whenever I go into the Event Pan/Crop option of an event, the Masking checkbox is never there so I can never mask! Can anyone help?

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Post by Xarathion » Fri Sep 29, 2006 5:23 pm

I'm assuming it's because you're using Vegas Movie Studio, instead of the professional version of Vegas. Movie Studio doesn't have masking options.

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Post by v_joshi123 » Sat Sep 30, 2006 8:05 pm

Vegas Movie Studio 6.0 doesn't have masking?!? What has this world come to? :lol: Anyways, the help guide says you should be able to mask, it just doesn't happen when I actually try it.

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Post by Willen » Sun Oct 01, 2006 6:14 am

It can do masking, but it is limited compared to the pro version's masking capabilities. In Ladymercury's guide, she shows how to use Vegas' Bezier Mask capabilities (part of Event Pan/Crop) which aren't part of Vegas Studio.

Since I barely touch my copy of Vegas Studio (I use Magix), all I can do to help is suggest looking into alpha masking or check the help file under Compositing and Masks (for some stupid reason, the help file is for both the Studio and Full versions so you may read a lengthy description of a feature to only see at the end that it only applies to the Full version). You'll probably need the use of a decent image editor to create masks and the proper images with alpha channels to get it to work how you want it to. It has all this talk about parent and child tracks and other stuff that makes me glad that Magix's alpha masking is dirt simple.
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Post by bum » Sun Oct 01, 2006 8:53 am

Personally I find image editors better at masking than tools in any video app. Yeah they take a while longer but you get sharper results and have more control over the process.


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