If you are going to spend $300, start at the top. You can get Avid Xpress Pro from studica.com for $300. You need to be a student(with an ID), but if you even know someone with a student ID, you can use that. It's pointless to buy an ameteur program like Premeire when you can get top of the line.WickedOwl wrote:I'm just getting started in video-making and I was wondering if you guys could recommend a good intermediate video-editing software for me to get. I'm looking to spend less than $300 and would like to get something that's low-cost but still has a lot of features. Thanks for your help.
Avid is complicated, but it is the industry standard. Premeire is very popular, but it is a very childish program next to Avid. I am trained in Avid, and I can put together a professional music video in a couple hours, while it takes people with Premeire days-weeks.
If you are looking for features, Avid is what you want. There are very few things it doesn't do well(and photoshop and a few plug-ins will solve that). And unless you are a professional editor, you really won't realize its few limits.
That's if you are willing to spend $300 though. If not, you would be fine with Premeire or Pinnacle. Again, go to a site like studica.com to get an educational discount if you can. Just don't waste $300 on an inferior program.