Adobe Premiere 6.5 : video not showing

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Post by Scintilla » Mon Aug 28, 2006 7:23 pm

reddragon_syndicate wrote:As for your problem . I dont really know what to do there.. if you go through Virtual Dub / Mod and re-encode it using something like lagarith or huffy your gonna lose quality.
Um, no. Lagarith and HuffYUV are lossless codecs; they're exactly the kind of codecs you want to use for this kind of re-encoding, because you WON'T lose quality.*

* Excepting, of course, a negligible decline if converting from RGB to YUY2, but XviD/DivX uses the YV12 colorspace, so that won't happen.
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Post by Shazzy » Mon Aug 28, 2006 10:34 pm

Scintilla wrote: * Excepting, of course, a negligible decline if converting from RGB to YUY2, but XviD/DivX uses the YV12 colorspace, so that won't happen.
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Post by gangstaj8 » Tue Aug 29, 2006 12:10 am

annako wrote:...This is what I clicked in order:

File ---> New Project (Standard 32kHz) and then the timeline opens with the source window, and then i click:

Project ---> Project Settings ---> Video

...And thats where Im stuck X_x; I don't see anything that says anything about codecs.
You're in the right spot, what you're looking to change here is Compressor. What is currently selected?

Might I also suggest trying a different editing mode? Under the Window Menu, select Workspace, then click on A/B Editing. See if you have any better luck with that.
annako wrote:Im so sorry, I'm really stupid X_X;;
Stop talking like that, everybody's gotta start somewhere.
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Post by Zkage » Fri Sep 01, 2006 3:50 pm

hey all..just recently joined the forum. Decided to give amv making a try..
iv been going over all the guides and have looked into problems by ppl...seems i have the same problem

i recently got a hold of premier pro. or version 7.0. and like evceryone said, it doesnt import xvid or divx. I tried the compressor part ppl mentioned, but it was greyed out, whatever workspace i selected, that was in dv edit mode-

i did a custom project settting and set the editing type to video for the compressor shows 3ivx d4 4.5.1 pro video codec. No others are available for options.

I understand from most topics that using virtual dub to convert these avis/xvid files into the said formats is the best way to go?-->am i on the right track?

Thanks for any info

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Post by BasharOfTheAges » Fri Sep 01, 2006 6:53 pm

Zkage wrote: I understand from most topics that using virtual dub to convert these avis/xvid files into the said formats is the best way to go?-->am i on the right track?
Yes. Exactly. :D
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Post by Gepetto » Sat Sep 02, 2006 8:22 pm

Isnt it refreshing when people read? After seeing this thread, I have more faith in Humanity.
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