Fixing DVD2AVI/AVS "Unrecognized Exception"

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Fixing DVD2AVI/AVS "Unrecognized Exception"

Post by klinky » Mon Jun 09, 2003 3:51 pm

Fixing "Unrecognized Exception" error.

Many people from time to time face this annoying pain in the ass error. There are quite a few posts asking how to fix this problem. There are a few known was to fix this.
  • Recreate D2V project file in DVD2AVI again.
  • Recreate D2V project file in different version of DVD2AVI.
  • Use AVISynth 2.5.
Recreate D2V project file in DVD2AVI again.

It's not really known why this works. Some think it could be a corrupted D2V file. While this may be a possibility, most D2V files don't corrupt themselves. Another theory is that launching DVD2AVI intializes some libraries needed for the D2V files to work in AVISynth. None of these have been proven fact. However the fact remains that this does work sometimes.

If you have multiple D2V files not working. Try redoing just one of them and see if that single one works. If so, try the other ones before redoing them too. They may mysteriously start working all of a sudden.

Recreate D2V Project file in different version of DVD2AVI.

For some reason using a different version has been known to help. It may be something specific on your computer that prevents DVD2AVI 1.76 from doing something it should. Or maybe MPEG2DEC can perform a needed function with the way the D2V file was written. Either way a
different version of DVD2AVI has been known to work.

Places to get other versions of DVD2AVI: Try DivX Digests website first. Download the 1.86 version(2nd link). Try that first. Then you can go through and try the other versions to your hearts content. Most luck is had with 1.86.

Use AVISynth 2.5

AVISynth 2.5 is a new version of AVISynth being developed. Most of the needed plugins have been converted over, but some of the older less major plugins have yet to be built for it. There is also a slight slowdown and a probability that it may be more unstable than AVISynth. Of course it may work better as well.

You will most likely want to uninstall older version of AVISynth, like the one included in the AMVApp Pack, before installing AVISynth 2.5. To uninstall the version installed with AMVApp pack. Goto your AMVApp folder , then "\Installed Files\Avisynth". Double click on the uninstall.reg file and say Yes to the prompt. Then reboot your computer.

You can download AVISynth 2.5 & the plugins for it @ <a href=" ... ceForge</a>. The latest version as of this writing is 2.5.2. If you see a later version get that. The file is a automatic installer. There is also a file "" which needs to be downloaded. Inside that zip file, there should be individually zipped files of different filters. The one you will need is "MPEG2Dec3". Unzip it and place the files in a folder that you can remember. I do not believe autoloading will work with AVISynth 2.5, or atleast you would have to set it up manually. Unles you do this you will have to add the LoadPlugin line to the begining of your script. Example: LoadPlugin("C:\AVSPlugins\MPEG2Dec3.dll"). Then proceed as normal with your script.

Hopefully these solutions will fix the problem for you. If not you may attempt to post here. If these do not fix the problem but you find a different solution. Please let us know.

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Post by klinky » Mon Jun 09, 2003 3:56 pm

wow only 2 or 3 typos. A new record!

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Post by Tab. » Mon Jun 09, 2003 4:07 pm

avisynth 2.5 is faster, not slower
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Post by AbsoluteDestiny » Mon Jun 09, 2003 5:23 pm

It's going in the updated guide, btw... I just need to get around to finishing it.

I'm also going to do the upgrade to 2.5 - bascially because of Nic ironing out a lot of the bugs in mpeg2dec3 and the improved caching - these should fix two of the most common problems with the amvapp.

Of course the downside is the old filters - especially deinterlacers - are less acessible. Not completely unacessible but much less so.

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Post by klinky » Tue Jun 10, 2003 5:34 am


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Post by AbsoluteDestiny » Tue Jun 10, 2003 5:41 am

Of course it's faster - it only has 1 chroma sample in four to deal with instead of one in 2. That's like... lots less!

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Post by klinky » Tue Jun 10, 2003 7:03 am

;_; - I don't pay attention to the internal structure of AVISynth ;_;.

Actually, I thought I remember you saying it was slower. But I went back and read the thread and you said it was indeed faster. My bad for not remembering correctly =/

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Post by Dead_Pool » Fri Jul 11, 2003 12:25 am

Well problem solved for me it worked I needed the newer version thanks alot klinky
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Post by kmv » Fri Jul 11, 2003 4:06 pm

Voting for sticky status

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I must be doing something wrong...

Post by Vulkurt » Sat Jul 12, 2003 11:26 am

Before you shout: Read <a href=>ErMaC & AbsoluteDestiny's Friendly AMV Guides</a>, I've spent all morning with it, so please bear with me.

I rip DVDs with no problem into vob format. I have AVISynth 2.5. This is the second time I've done the rip, so I did try the "try it again" phase. I have not tried recreating in another program, because I think I am making a mistake that I can't quite reconcile with the Read <a href=>ErMaC & AbsoluteDestiny's Friendly AMV Guides</a>.

I create the avs file in Wordpad. My line of text is this:

I have tried renaming the file, I've tried making sure that the avs file is in the same place with the vob and d2v files. What I get is:

Avisynth open failure: script error: there is no function named "MPEG2Source"(C:\AMVSource\Akira\vts_01.d2v)

I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. I get the same thing when I try to open the avs in Premier. Please help. I've looked through some other areas on these boards, but haven't seen anything quite addressing this issue. Thank you.
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