Recently, I noticed that a few videos I've downloaded aren't playing. Thinking this merely a codec problem, I installed a few different codec packs (including AMVapp). The videos still did not play, the wierd thing is, I've never had this problem videos before. On my desktop computer the videos always played fine, I've been trying to find the right codecs for the videos but the best I got was XP Codec Pack 1.3.4 which played the videos, but they cut out and restarted after a certain amount of time.
The videos giving me trouble so far are.
Whisper of the Beast
AMV Hell 1
One Piece - (Sail On)
I was wondering if there was something I was missing or maybe its the videos or perhaps my labtop, anyone have any suggestions?
A Codec Problem?
- BasharOfTheAges
- Just zis guy, you know?
- Joined: Tue Sep 14, 2004 11:32 pm
- Status: Breathing
- Location: Merrimack, NH
Uninstally the codec pack. They're evil, bloated, and often filled with malware and/or data miners. It sounds like you don't have XviD installed... i'd get that first (google it) and go from there.
Anime Boston Fan Creations Coordinator (2019-2023)
Anime Boston Fan Creations Staff (2016-2018)
Another Anime Convention AMV Contest Coordinator 2008-2016
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Anime Boston Fan Creations Staff (2016-2018)
Another Anime Convention AMV Contest Coordinator 2008-2016
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- Willen
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