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Post by Moonzag » Wed Feb 16, 2005 1:59 pm

Fluxmeister wrote:Instead of the VCA's we should have the video elimination tournament. Each year 1000 videos are sacrificed. :roll:
Ohh! Battle Royale AMV-style! It sound like fun.
Sharing is nice!

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Post by Vlad G Pohnert » Wed Feb 16, 2005 2:40 pm

Fluxmeister wrote:Instead of the VCA's we should have the video elimination tournament. Each year 1000 videos are sacrificed. :roll:
Are you suggesting we start with yours :P


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Post by billy_wires » Wed Feb 16, 2005 3:19 pm

Well, last year when Kai did his 10K pool the videos were below 10,000 on Feb 12, 2004, and broke 10,000 on March 4, 2004. Depending on when this site allowed local uploading and downloading, this could indicate that something might need to be done to possibly tighten the criteria for uploading. Maybe.

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Post by ZaCloud » Thu Feb 17, 2005 4:44 pm

Perhaps any vids that receive 25 or more stars and average at a 1.5 or lower rating could be gotten rid of like that. ^_^

(It would have to be quite a number and consistently low average of course... I've had and seen my shares of unfair star averages, but THAT low should prove that it's truly a bad video. :wink: )

Anyway... shouldn't the server's fullness be announced on the main page so ppl quit trying and getting botched uploads? Not everyone can find the right threads in these massive boards ya know. :P

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Post by AbsoluteDestiny » Thu Feb 17, 2005 4:45 pm

It's stated on the upload video page.

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Post by madbunny » Thu Feb 17, 2005 6:17 pm

_Ice-Angel_ wrote:Perhaps any vids that receive 25 or more stars and average at a 1.5 or lower rating could be gotten rid of like that. ^_^
Somewhere, I think from the main page it states that the idea behind the .org isn't to only have 'good' videos, but to have 'all' amv videos. Besides, even if a video bites the sour one, a lot of us went through the same phase of editing. (where everything sucked) Having this be a system where anyone can upload a video that meets the basic criteria makes it one of the coolest sites that I've ever seen. If there was an artificial 'quality' requirement I think that would likely discourage a lot of new editors.

Where would you stop? How about age, oldest videos get deleted in favor of new ones? Least downloads, out of date codecs? Only videos with VCA nominations get to stay... you see where I going here I hope.

Besides, even though there is going to be a new server, and probably another larger one than that at some point in the future this remains the best resource of its kind anywhere. If there were never another single video uploaded, this would still be one of the best things to hit the internet that I've seen.

[/rambly rant]
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Post by godix » Thu Feb 17, 2005 6:31 pm

[quote="madbunny"]Somewhere, I think from the main page it states that the idea behind the .org isn't to only have 'good' videos, but to have 'all' amv videos.[quote]
I know that's the idea behind the database of videos but that isn't what we're talking about. We're talking about local hosting and AFAIK there is no goal to locally host every video ever made.

Not that I'm neccesarily suggesting deleting videos is a good idea, just pointing out the database and local videos are two different things with two different motives behind them. I personally think the rules for a deletion request (locally hosted video only, the database entry would stay) might be relaxed somewhat but I'd be against deleting videos unless the creator specifically requested it.

OTOH, if something happened and every single DBZ or Naturo video got deleted I personally wouldn't mind either...

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Post by x_rex30 » Fri Feb 18, 2005 1:21 am

godix wrote: OTOH, if something happened and every single DBZ or Naturo video got deleted I personally wouldn't mind either...
That's never going to happen... sooo many Naruto videos on the top 10. Who are you to say they should get deleted(Not saying you are ;P)???

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Post by derobert » Fri Feb 18, 2005 4:28 am

godix wrote:We're talking about local hosting and AFAIK there is no goal to locally host every video ever made.
Why not? It seems quite obtainable. Kero has 2TiB to play with.

PS: Expect me to be asking for beta testers for Kero soon. Most likely, I'll ask on IRC --- see for details on how to join #AMV.
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Post by devilmaykickass » Fri Feb 18, 2005 9:36 am

See what happens happens when everyone start making 100MB videos? You silly geese. :roll:


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