More Bandwidth and Revenue Needed

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Post by pen-pen2002 » Sun Oct 02, 2005 4:48 pm

Just had a quick thought: What about larger PM inbox/sentboxes?

considsering the amount of posts you could fit into the size of a video there does not seem like it makes that big a difference. Increasing the space for donators might be a nice perk. (I try to keep it cleaned out but I'm to lazy to keep it up and I always hit 100%)

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Post by AmyCool86 » Sun Oct 02, 2005 8:07 pm

Well, how about people purchase their own bandwidth on their account? On [Kalium: Link to site with downloads removed.] when you join the site, then become a Naruto Plus member, you'll have to pay a fee each month to stay the member. Once you've become a plus member, you automatically get some bandwidth for free and when you used up your bandwidth, you'll have to purchase more in order to download the things off the website. Something like what I said. Maybe you should look into it because maybe this way, people will donate more. :lol:

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Post by dokool » Sun Oct 02, 2005 8:24 pm

AmyCool86 wrote:Well, how about people purchase their own bandwidth on their account? On [Kalium: Link to site with downloads removed.] when you join the site, then become a Naruto Plus member, you'll have to pay a fee each month to stay the member. Once you've become a plus member, you automatically get some bandwidth for free and when you used up your bandwidth, you'll have to purchase more in order to download the things off the website. Something like what I said. Maybe you should look into it because maybe this way, people will donate more. :lol:

Because that's the equivalent to paying for the right to download, which Phade is against. We've gone over this already...

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Post by Coderjo » Sun Oct 02, 2005 9:46 pm

Hmm.. Within the month of august, Animix was downloaded 768 times, using a total of 557GB of bandwidth. There are 10 videos that, in August alone, used over 100GB apiece. Perhaps BitTorrent might be worthwhile for very popular vids. All but three of the top ten bandwidth users from August had over 1000 downloads.

Thank you, (someone), for providing the statistics.

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Post by BasharOfTheAges » Mon Oct 03, 2005 12:47 pm

BasharOfTheAges wrote:
This is why i feel it's far more likely that if Phade was ever served, he'd be far more likely to be asked for member records. Spicifically for the info regarding contributers who are financially backing illegal activities. Since that may figure into the reasoning behind some people not donating, i'd like to hear his stance on that.

By donating money you could be implicated and even if it's a bogus charge, it all goes back to the question: will you settle, or give up everything you have to fight it legally?
According to the Org's privacy policy...
The administrators of this site will cooperate with law enforcement officials if presented with a court order requiring such cooperation as to reveal your information to them.
Since nobody really responded to this the last time i brought it up, does nobody see this as an issue or possibly a reason why people might not donate?

Are records even kept?

Should donations be made ambigously so that reasonable doubt is placed upon the identity of the donator in relation to the account holder? (i.e. if they are the same person or not) or , alternatively, should members refrain from showing their real identies by means of provinding email acounts under assumed names?

Can site administration even answer these questions in a public forum without fear it may be used as evidence?

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Post by SQ » Mon Oct 03, 2005 4:09 pm

Actually the thought of being reported/arrested never really came into my mind. -shrug- I don't even support the donut. Personally, I think the whole hosting thing should be ripped down. I only donate because I support Phade... And if that gets me in trouble, then.. Oh well.
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Post by downwithpants » Mon Oct 03, 2005 4:54 pm

there was a recent incident where was brought to the attention of the riaa and the riaa took no action against them, and they were vague about if they were going to take any action against them.
Q: Will you pursue a claim against RPG Films for the use of your member-companies' copyright music in the films they host?

A: We have not initiated any communication or legal action against them. Forecasting future actions is not something we do.
source: ... ake_d.html

this leads me to believe that the riaa doesn't shut down every site it knows about violating their copyright licenses, but targets strategic parties for lawsuits. why they target grandmothers and teenagers, but not (at least yet) large fan-art websites is up for speculation, but leaves me the impression the org isn't under imminent legal threat.
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Post by xort » Tue Oct 04, 2005 4:13 am

BasharOfTheAges wrote:For BT to work, many users would need to be seeding many videos. Bandwidth issues asside, do you have any idea the system resources that would be required to keep up with tracking 70,000 + videos?
I could tell you about some impressive trackers, but I'm not.

I'm simply saying that if this site wanted to; Given the money, bandwidth, and (I'm guessing) hardware here to act as a general seed on top of willing members that it can be done. Or at least massively cut the bandwidth requirments.
When you work with small filesize / large numbers of downloads, a BT system simply does not work because the memory requirements needed to simply keep track of seeding information for that many files is enourmous.
And just how much memory do you think it takes to track lets say 250,000 torrents? Do you know?
Now take into account the average ratio of someone that gains nothing by closing the BT window after his/her download is done and you have far less than 1% of the videos being seeded at any one time.

Setting up and properly maintaining such a tracking system would cost more (in terms of man-hours and hardware upgrades) than it would ever save.
Well given the hundreds of gigs transfered here I bet their is more than enough hardware to convert a large section of the database over to BT. The question of manhours is a valid point. A tailor fit job would take some time, however I'm sure that other mass torrent sites would be willing to sell their setup for a few hundred bucks.

Now the issue about people killing their BT right after they finish the download: How is it better to have those people not sharing any data at all?

Phade, you graph is a bit hard to read however it seems to show that most videos are downloaded between 25 to 150 times a mounth, and a small section are downloaded many thousands of times. A tracker for 25,000 torrents is a very light load on most systems. I'd suggest to take a gander at some other mass torrent sites. I'm sure most of the operators would be willing to chat over some of the issues you have with your set up.

I won't say, OMG believe me I'm some random guy off the internet that thinks he knows how to run this site better! I won't try and tote my own knowlage or skills. I'm saying that before you reject the idea (and this goes for anyone reading this) go do some honest research on the technology and requirements. I think that you will be very impressed at how flexable BT can be.

Hell I remember some talk about making picture BT plugins to help out image archive sites, and if anything that's even more "everything randomly gets downloaded" than our AMVs.

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Post by xort » Tue Oct 04, 2005 4:20 am


And just how much memory do you think it takes to track lets say 250,000 torrents? Do you know?

Should read 25,000.


A tracker for 25,000 torrents is a very light load on most systems.

Should be 2,500 torrents

My error. Stupid no edits here... :x No more 2:20am posting for me.

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Post by Bahamut God » Tue Oct 04, 2005 4:45 am

I'm wondering who it is that is donating. I wonder if this 1% share anything in common.

I've donated in the past, but I'm not up to date at the moment, due to not using the site (much) and general poorness. (also if my quick comments are working right, I only get a download on my videos every week or so)

Anyway, you might want to find out "who" is donating, and see if there are any patterns you can use.
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