Seriously, why is the video info important? I thought the point of the site was to catalog
videos that have been made, not every momentary brainfart that passes through the keyboard of every long-winded creator. If you want MAXIMUM WORDAGE IN ALL CASES, oh, I could pound out 10,000 words on every piece of junk I've ever turned out - but I was never told that that was the heart and soul of the site. I thought the heart and soul of the site was videos, not editor bloviation. Video info != videos.
Yes, it sucks that Tom "wrecked" the info, and whatever other mystery creators are being alluded to here. But the records of the videos' existence are still here. Many other videos have no more than that, too. You have the record of the AMV's existence - source, song, creator, date it was made. In terms of completeness of the record of AMVs that were made, how is this any different from someone who makes a video, enters it, doesn't upload it and doesn't write a description? And when did the goal change from "catalog videos that were made" to "catalog random chitchat about the editor's girlfriend, his Artistic Vision, the lyrics he yanked off some spyware-ridden lyrics site, the 200 people he wants to thank and what he had for breakfast today"?
For another data point on how video info is used, I have a bad habit of rambling about The Making Of when a video's first put out, then over time (say, 6 months) winnow out the junk absolutely nobody cares about and stick with a fairly terse description. This isn't "wrecking" the info, it's called editing. I thought that field was more or less our place to say what we want.
Or would you rather have us hand over our videos to you and have you do the writing about all of them, since the video info is suddenly so sacrosanct and editors can't be trusted to use it themselves? You'd have to watch all the videos then. Anyone got time for that?