Translated, stop complaining, accept the way things are, or face the consequences of arguing with people who have been here a year or more longer than you. I understand. I will no longer complain. And thus is the newbie silenced. And so nothing changes.SarahtheBoring wrote:Okay, #1. You have a certain amount of time here. You can spend that time acclimating yourself to the board and getting to know people, or you can whine about how mean everybody is and how everybody sucks and beats you up and steals your lunch money and wah wah wah.
#2. Where is this happening? Apart from some joking around I haven't seen anyone SERIOUSLY harassing newbies. My impression is that you're taking this all too damn seriously.
That said, enjoy your stay. OR ELSE.
~_~ I didn't honestly expect anything to change, though. It never does so long as people excuse adversive behavior as 'playful' and accuse those who speak against it of 'whining.' But that's really fine. Any more from me would just be repeating the same thing over and over to people who don't want the way things are to change. There's no point in my doing that.