Streaming video is finally here! This is primarily a feature for members maintaining "donator" status, however non-donators have some benefits as well. This is still beta so please let us know if you encounter any issues!
Here are some of the features:
- Preview any video on the site that is encoded for streaming
- Allow non-donators to stream your videos
- Stream videos you haven't seen, by category in order of highest star rating. (Link can be found on "Top Star Scale" page if you are a donator)
- Preview videos that donators allow non-donators to stream
- Preview your own videos
- Stream videos that have achieved VCA semi-finalist status for the current year
- Rate, quickcomment, and leave opinions on videos without interrupting video playback
- Stream a random video that you have yet to see. (Link can be found on the bottom of the "All Search Options" page
Previewing videos is very straight forward. If a stream is available to you, then a link called “Preview” will appear right above the video's Local link. Simply click the link to start watching the video.
Users are allowed to opt out of this system if for some reason they don't want watch preview or let users stream their videos. The option to do this can be found on the Edit Profile page.
Note: Please decide carefully when disabling streaming features if you are an editor. Disabling streaming will delete any streaming related encodes that you may have. If you later go back and re-enable streaming features, your videos will have to be re-encoded. To prevent people from tying up the queue of videos being encoded, your videos will be given a much lower priority than they did initially. In other words, with the 70000+ videos we need to encode, you might end up making your videos #69999 in the queue by disabling and re-enabling streaming.
We hope you enjoy this new feature. Please let us know what you think or if come across any bugs in the new system.