Note: If there are videos that you'd like to nominate for this category, you can use their Video ID tags to post links to their catalog entries, or you can simply post a Youtube or Vimeo Embed of them. Unlike previous years, you're able to nominate videos whether or not they have a corresponding catalog entry.This video imitates or satirizes a known genre or piece of media. Many parodies are for comic effect, but some are dramatic and thought-provoking. The award goes to the video which was most effective in parodying something else, whether it be in a funny, dramatic, cool, or just plain bizarre way. And if you call in the next ten minutes, you''ll receive videos set to commercial audio, absolutely free! See products touted by your favorite anime characters with fun results.
Videos that premiered online from 01/01/18 - 12/31/18 are eligible to participate. And all eligible videos posted in this thread will be added to the round 1 voting pool (pending a category review by the moderators). Self promoting is not allowed in this thread and should be restricted to the Shameless Self Promotion thread.
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