Entered wrong video - How can i go back?

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Entered wrong video - How can i go back?

Post by Fredness » Mon Jun 23, 2008 7:22 am

Okay so here's the story - I was uploading my new video, with FTP. And i pressed the FTP information and wrote all that in, in CuteFTP. BUT, here's the problem, the informations which i got from the FTP site, was from an old video which i've uploaded like a month and a half ago. And the CuteFTP of course accepted it, and i uploaded my new video, to this old old video, without thinking that i've got some old informations. So now i've got a video, with the wrong video download in, and i would really really love to know how i can delete this wrong entry and get the old informations back, so i can upload the orginal one again.

Here's how it looks:

http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members ... p?v=158795

My Animatrix AMV, with my the girl who leapt through time amv. Little screwed up. If anyone please could give my any informations about how to delete this video and get the old informations, then i would REALLY appreciate.

Have a good day!

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Post by godix » Mon Jun 23, 2008 1:17 pm

Edit my videos
Request Deletion of Bad Video Entry

That leads to <a href="http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members ... p">this</a>. Note that on that site is specifically says 'beware stupid requests are subjected to ridicule.'

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lol xD

Post by Fredness » Mon Jun 23, 2008 8:27 pm

Yay thanks a lot, now i just hope that they'll delete the video and maybe repost the old informations - Anyways, thanks a bunch!


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