How do I make my Amv Preview-able? [solved]

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How do I make my Amv Preview-able? [solved]

Post by LiliMono » Wed Nov 11, 2009 1:31 pm

I've seen that other files can be previewed rather than downloaded to see the files contents.
How can I activate that feature.
(I'm planning on donating soon if that is the issue.)

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Re: How do I make my Amv Preview-able?

Post by LantisEscudo » Wed Nov 11, 2009 1:37 pm

Just wait a little while. The site automatically generates the preview version from the file you upload, but it takes some time to do it.

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Re: How do I make my Amv Preview-able?

Post by Otohiko » Wed Nov 11, 2009 1:37 pm

To make a file previewable, the server needs to process (i.e. encode it into the format used for previews) it first. Unfortunately there's still a bit of a backlog and the process is not instantaneous. The server is always busy crunching these files, and some do take a bit of time. However your file (like all new video entries) has relatively high priority on the encode list and you should see it encoded pretty soon. Most new entries I've seen usually get encoded in anywhere between a couple of hours and a couple of days.

Donating does factor into encode priority afaik, but it's not a huge difference.
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Re: How do I make my Amv Preview-able?

Post by Otohiko » Wed Nov 11, 2009 1:39 pm

...and voila, just as I said this, I see that your video's just been processed. Enjoy :P
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Re: How do I make my Amv Preview-able?

Post by LiliMono » Wed Nov 11, 2009 1:42 pm

Thank you very much!
I highly appreciate it!

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Re: How do I make my Amv Preview-able?

Post by ranmaman » Tue Nov 24, 2009 4:20 am

Not the exact topic but i figured it was close enought instead of bothering to make a new thread......

but i noticed for aobut he last 3 days not a single video has had a preview after...well any length of time... i don't have a whole lot of space on my comp so i don't download very many but was just curious if you guys have stopped with the previews all together or are they just extremely behind with the encodes??

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Re: How do I make my Amv Preview-able?

Post by Emotive » Tue Nov 24, 2009 9:27 am

ranmaman wrote:Not the exact topic but i figured it was close enought instead of bothering to make a new thread......

but i noticed for aobut he last 3 days not a single video has had a preview after...well any length of time... i don't have a whole lot of space on my comp so i don't download very many but was just curious if you guys have stopped with the previews all together or are they just extremely behind with the encodes??
Otohiko wrote:To make a file previewable, the server needs to process (i.e. encode it into the format used for previews) it first. Unfortunately there's still a bit of a backlog and the process is not instantaneous. The server is always busy crunching these files, and some do take a bit of time.

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Re: How do I make my Amv Preview-able?

Post by Otohiko » Tue Nov 24, 2009 11:05 am

Actually there is a problem right now, and encodes are not currently being processed. It's related to server issues and should be fixed very soon.
The Birds are using humanity in order to throw something terrifying at this green pig. And then what happens to us all later, that’s simply not important to them…


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