The problem is somewhere in communication with paypal. With paypal's IPN API, you have to send back a block of information exactly as it was sent to you in the first place for verification. Same data, same order, same character encoding. Thing is, if this step is the problem, none of the paypal donations should be getting through. I'd have to talk with GQ to see if that's the case.BasharOfTheAges wrote:Could it have something to do with an assumption that the payment is supposed to be automatic and if it's not it has a clear time? That clear time goes away if you're a big time vendor, though. So, i can do a bank funds transfer via paypal to STEAM, but not to the 'org without shit going wrong because the 'org isn't in paypal's special cool kids club.
I'll see if I can't take another look at the donation system here in the next few weeks.