Profile [What are studios?]

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Profile [What are studios?]

Post by sylphstarwind » Thu Jul 08, 2004 10:54 am

On the edit my profile page, there's an option to choose a studio. What is that? What does it do?

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Post by ZeWrestler » Thu Jul 08, 2004 11:37 am

if you are a member of a studio, it lists that in your profile. since you don't know what one is, then don't worry about it. its not going to harm you.
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Post by Scintilla » Thu Jul 08, 2004 11:42 am

Studio = production group = a group of people who make AMVs under a common name.

There are also plenty of one-person studios.

If you're not in one, don't worry about it.
Or if you want to be, make one up -- that's how they all got started. :)
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Post by badmartialarts » Thu Jul 08, 2004 10:03 pm


One man studios are the true way, unless you're all social and stuff.... :shock:
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Post by godix » Thu Jul 08, 2004 11:09 pm

One studios also have one great but not so obvious advantage. AFAIK the studio 'AbsoluteDestiny', 'Koop', 'Phade', 'Kevin Caldwell', etc aren't taken so you can get some easy downloads by people easily confused.[/u]

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Post by Akai Rurouni » Fri Jul 09, 2004 11:11 am

godix wrote:One studios also have one great but not so obvious advantage. AFAIK the studio 'AbsoluteDestiny', 'Koop', 'Phade', 'Kevin Caldwell', etc aren't taken so you can get some easy downloads by people easily confused.[/u]
Oh boo. Don't do that. :(
Besides, what's the point in getting download hits if everyone thinks someone else made the video? :P
Akai Rurouni

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Post by Nekoboy Sal » Fri Jul 09, 2004 5:28 pm

Akai Rurouni wrote:Besides, what's the point in getting download hits if everyone thinks someone else made the video?
3 things my red freind.

1. Download hits.

2. Satisfatction that you're smarter than other people.

3. A posible opinion. We all know that opinions are the most important things in the world. We'd all lie cheat and/or steal for them! Sure, this method my give you bad/evil opinions, but thats bragging rights your erning.
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Post by sylphstarwind » Sat Jul 10, 2004 10:56 am

Well, thanks everyone for the help. I can't really make any videos or anything, so I think I'll just look at other people's.


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