rule/guideline for journal usage

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Post by Orwell » Mon Sep 11, 2006 1:54 pm

The reply function will require a programmer, and since even just accepting those who have applied to be one exceeds the Mayan timetable, this feature is not likely to happen. Making a limit on public only will allow them to comment, expect it to be read, then make it private only to post again. Though 1 might be a bit harsh, I'd personally like to see journal entries from people I've never even heard of, as before it turned into spamfest '06. I've found some editors who's videos I really enjoyed who never post in the forum. Maybe 2, or if they really want to let it go, 3, but then if you get 3 posts by the journal junkies every day, there's enough who post daily that you'd still have a reduced form of the spam. You might turn a few off with the policy, but I wouldn't be a bit surprised to see a long list of the same crap that you see in the one liner bit. A preview button might not be a bad idea, but again, I'm not expecting too much out of the site programmer(s).

And for the sake of argument, I disagree with the idea of a character limit, either max or min. I personally use the journals to keep track of translations from others, and yes the occasional spam. I like the notion that the journals being are snapshot of what's going on with the fellow members of the community, as your never going to hear about anything in non-existent OT part of the site. Maybe add a text just above the post button about relevant site rules, but to enforce it, even with a simple filter would be a waste of time and manpower better spent elsewhere.

If the org insists on catering to the people who absolutely NEED to babble about their cookies and how they can't keep their eyes open long enough to eat them, then add a link on the journal page to a IRC/AIM/WHATEVER chatroom for OT SPAM. Demonseal anyone?
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Post by JaddziaDax » Mon Sep 11, 2006 2:12 pm

but you see im not asking for a "fancy" livejournal type reply button, but a simple one that can link you to say a page like this

you see what i mean? and for people to "check their replies" they can link at the top of the page to this

im not asking for THAT big of a deal... does this make sense?
I'm throwing out ideas, things to make it simplier than having to click "member profile" click "forum profile" click "pm this person button"

it would shorten the maze is all...

and all the stupid "cookies!" posts are ment to be silly more than anything, its not really a discussion topic... how hard is that to understand really? its ment to be nonsense for the fun of nonsense... or do you people really have no sense of fun?

hell the "cookies vs pie" posts havent even been made for the last two months cause my "partner in crime" hasnt been around much lately :/

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Post by JaddziaDax » Mon Sep 11, 2006 2:13 pm

it would also "highlight" the pm system to the journal users that dont know it exists..

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Post by Ankomaru » Mon Sep 11, 2006 2:36 pm

but, what if you make a mistake or forget something, and you can't edit/ tell them you made a mistake in your post?
Then you have to wait another day to tell them.
But honestly, I think 1 post a day could be very frustrating because you have to 24 hours to make a new post, And some people can't wait to tell what happened the past hours.
Could 2 posts a day be possible?

My second question is: Does the ORG say "You cannot post more than 1( or 1) post(s) a day, You're over your limit"
Or do you have to keep an eye on that yourself?

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Post by JaddziaDax » Mon Sep 11, 2006 2:39 pm

there are no set rules as of yet... the point of this thread was to discuss possibilities...

and if they can encode a ratelimit then they can encode that simple "reply" system im talking about...

and i was thinking how about 1 post ever 12 hours... or 2 a day... but yea... i donno i agree that 3 is deffinately starting to push it.

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Post by whiteash » Mon Sep 11, 2006 4:37 pm

Someone has just PMed me over this and I have two things to say.

Bravo for using a PM rather than a journal.

I don't care about the crappy soap opera which is 'so and so said such and such and wah boo hoo pity.' Leave me out of it. I'm tired of it.

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Re: rule/guideline for journal usage

Post by Knowname » Mon Sep 11, 2006 10:12 pm

Kai Stromler wrote:
BasharOfTheAges wrote:I planned to use it to update on project status, but with the "off topic message board mentality" it's become, it kinda makes me just stay away. Nobody's going to read what i post (you know, the PURPOSE of having it on the main page) since conversations between random people immediately flood the list soon afterwards.
I do use my journal as a .plan file, under the following assumptions:

1) Nobody reads it anyways.
2) Anyone who's going to be sufficiently interested in my AMV progress to actually want to read about such has me in their Journal Buddies list.

If you want to catch people's eyes and drum up interest, that's what the forums are for. I look at the current main-page journals as a snapshot of what the .org is thinking lately, much like NVOTB right below it is a snapshot of what the .org is doing lately; both largely noise but occasionally some cool signal gets through.

For this reason, and because it'd consume too much programmer and mod time to renice them, I oppose regulation of the journals except in the degenerate case where the abuse affects the system, like when those idiots were using it for IM like two years ago. If people don't realize there are other, much more convenient places on the internet to do what they're kludging with the AMV journal, that's their problem, not the site management's.

As for commenting, that would solve a lot of the current problem, but...
1) If you want commenting, seriously, take it to Livejournal since they support that already, especially since
2) A lot about the current journal function suggests that it exists because it exists; it is not a custom or heavily maintained part of the site, and it's doubtful that changing this would be seen as useful effort.

you were the one that I was thinking of ;p anyway, yeah, it's basically for your own interest. I like to post down my thoughts so *I* (screw anybody that reads them!) can go over them again later on! That's all I beleive the journals are for.

It just happened to turn into an OT forum cuz, well, a number of reasons. K lets lay this out
1) it was slightly OT since 2002 and I first noticed them there Conversations would go on and spill over into the forums. Only now it can't spill over into the forums as much but many ppl bring it to irc, instant messangers or skype (though with skype not being free next year I expect it to get worse...)
2) a big reason it didn't get 'out of hand' back than is that people with FORTITUDE like BBT, Ermac etc (Kai there) ACTUALLY posted in their journals! Lets not be elitest about this, if you want to plan something out you can just as easily click on the 'my journal' link and read your own plan! It doesn't have to be at the top for everybody to see. I mean what are you going for here, notes or elitest bullshit???
3) there are a BUNCH of people and reasons to do both, archive what you did that day (if you have to do it 5 times a day cuz you don't want to forget little stuff, so be it. Sue me, and I know I don't make the rules, but I don't see the harm)

4) takeing part in pillow talk is Baaaaad ;p though I do admit it has it's good points for keeping public... but that's just cuz I can't hold up a conversation with a talking armadillo!
Each of these people has an IM program, and they're using the journals to talk (referring to journal junkies). WTF. Confused
wtf are you thinking clearly or are you just throwing curse words around like usual? I don't know which journal junkies are in question here but I do know the majority of the most active ones are pretty dosile in their postings

according to you, we should all not 'talk' in our journals??? than what are we supposed to do?? 'Dear Journal... OOPS! I talked!'
Is there a hentai / excessive violence problem on the journals?
well... it is the first place many go to 'announce' their evanesance/ non anime utoob links. It's not really as excessive as all that, but I beleive Mina's just trying some forward thinking as in it REALLY could be...

But again, alot of the ppl around here with the WILL to stick around a community have the basic FORTITUDE to not do that stuff! ... often ... and over excessiveley. I seen worse stuff fly by in the Anouncements/ MEP forums!!

And that is why I so like the idea of OT stuff. It's not bad, just too close to bad but I've never seen evidence of the true members step over the line. Those who do are usually spammers and/ or noobs who with correction put themselves into place. ... I don't know, call me an optimist -_-.
the last person who used to purposly bump her name to the top of the list just for the publicity (kinda like bumping your thread on the announcement forums) probably realized that its not helping her or it was defeating her purpose and she stopped doing it
and she has become a respectable 'read' in the journals... I'd like to add that ;p which again, is why ... I'm just WAY too optimistic but... you correct people and ONCE HE/ SHE SEES THE ERROR, 70-80% of people (especially impressionable young children as most noobs are) won't do it again.

But that's just me. Utopia doesn't exist. But I sure can continue to beleive in it -_-

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Post by EvaFan » Tue Sep 12, 2006 3:22 am

The <s>10</s> 11 Commandments of journalism:

Thou shalt not use profanity unto thy neighbor.
Thou shalt not chit nor chat using entries.
Thou shalt not pimp thy videos.
Remember rules 1-3 to keep them holy.
Honor thy priveledges of having a journal at all.
Thou shalt not give out free sites for licensed merchandice.
Thou shalt not complain nor promote QC's or Opinions, nor give reply's to either using entries.
Thou shalt keep entries subtle and meaningful.
Thou shalt keep entries per day to a limit of 3.
Thou shalt follow all rules or suffer thy consequences. (Made by someone else >_>)

Rule 11: Thou shalt not use journals at all because they are evil and if you do, you will be considered a junky and a fiend of the worst kind. The power of christ compels you.
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Post by Ayanefan » Tue Sep 12, 2006 7:56 am

Oooooooo, oooooo, I think I've got the solution for my Journal Craving! I still use my journal to enter stuff but right now I just make it private then I unprivatize it when the journal time will make it so that it won't show up in the new journal entries.
Now for ME (as I love attention) , why not add a checkbox at the bottom where the "make private" option is, the checkbox would be called something like "Do not show in new journal entries".
Then I can add in my journal and then people that, for whatever odd reason, care could read it and my AMV exploits and mouse trapping ordeals.

That could cut it down. I could then go to my buddies list and click on my buddies and read their journals that are not posted on the new journal entries.

Oooooo, I'd love that option!!! Make it so, Phade, make it so!

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Post by Flint the Dwarf » Tue Sep 12, 2006 9:07 pm

That's a pretty good idea. And I know it's possible to do, as they made it so Sammy's journal wouldn't show when he made new entries. I don't think it would solve the "problem," because I'm betting most people wouldn't bother to use it, but it's still a cool idea.
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