BasharOfTheAges wrote:How about teaching a lesson? "You made your bed, now sleep in it." Learning that some consequences in life will in fact ruin your reputation for life, and running and hiding isn't an option to be talked about publically - i.e. it involves bribery and backroom deals - like politics!
like i mentioned before, why not just delete the offending videos (which a mod would probably do anyways as far as i know... ive seen them do it before) and let her start again without the drama... or just delete her old account entirely? then she would only have one account. the people who were "victimized" will still know what she did, and still know who she is, but it will stop new people from causing new drama out of old stuff...
im not saying that she should be allowed to have two accounts, and have access to both of them, and if its so damn important to keep vids in the catelogue which clearly break the rules of this site anyways (that doesnt seem right) then freeze the original account so it cannot be accessed by anyone.
im saying do one or the other, delete her old account or delete the videos which should have been deleted anyways. I'm sure the only reason that they werent deleted is cause i told kalium to not worry about it cause things were worked out. >.<
and if its so important to keep the video entries, then delete the local and disable the links on them so she cannot change them around...
granted she probably shouldnt have posted on the forums, but what is done is done...
actually I'd probably suggest she email the admins, and the mods lock this thread so she can work it out one on one with them rather than dragging more people in who will cause drama... :/